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Khloe Kardashian ‘offended’ by Kim’s secret pregnancy

Khloe Kardashian 'offended' by Kim’s secret pregnancy

Khloe Kardashian was ‘offended’ by revelations her sisters planned to hide Kim’s pregnancy from her.

Khloe Kardashian and her NBA star husband Lamar Odom have made no secret of their struggle to conceive ever since they wed in 2009.

Khloe’s sisters Kim and Kourtney, aware of her unfulfilled baby dream, at first chose to keep the news of Kim’s pregnancy a secret to spare her feelings – something Khloe now says offended her. To add insult to injury, she discovered the subterfuge via an episode of her family’s reality TV show.

“I found out by watching Kourtney & Kim Take Miami that Kourtney said, ‘This is going to push Khloe over the edge and we can’t tell her.’ I got offended by that,” she told Tonight Show host Jay Leno last week.

“Of course I would be happy for my sister to have a baby.”

The 28-year-old reality star opened up about her battle to conceive.

“Everyone puts so much pressure on Lamar and I to have kids, and I do feel that pressure. I went to the doctors and figured out that I need to use hormone injections,” she said.

“But I’m very happy. I’m 28 and I’ve been married for almost four years. I’m happy just practising having a baby for now!”

The outspoken Kardashian said that her mother Kris Jenner, 57, had even offered to be a surrogate for her.

“’She did say it, but I think it was more in a joking, passing way. I’m sure she would love to just because she’s crazy. But, no, that’s too gross!

“I mean, I appreciate it, but… my mum… isn’t that, like, a little old to do that? Can’t you only do that at a certain age?”

Khloe spoke candidly about her mum’s relationship with the sisters’ stepfather, Bruce Jenner – and the pair’s unconventional living arrangements.

Asked whether Kris and Bruce are having marital problems, she replied: “Well, they’re not having problems, but they still like to live apart, which is definitely different.

“You know, Bruce and my mom, they wanted some… Like, in my house, there is a ‘man room’ for Lamar. A room – not a different house!

“So I think they took my idea and ran with it and they got another house, and Bruce stays there sometimes.”

And while she respects their decision, she says it’s not for her.

“It’s in the same state, a different city. I’m not for that, but you know, to each their own. I don’t compare relationships.”

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