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Kate and Harry’s House Rules breakdown: “We were both wrecks!”

Tonight’s episode pushed the young parents to their limits.
Kate Harry House Rules

The normally cheerful Harry came close to breaking point in tonight’s episode of House Rules.

And no, it wasn’t due to Fiona unleashing a stream of insults on him.

In Tasmania to renovate Sean and Ella’s house, Harry and partner Kate were missing their two-year-old son Xavier worse than ever before.

“That was the longest that we hadn’t seen Xav,” Kate, 28, tells TV WEEK.

“We were missing him and we were feeling guilty for how long we’d been away. Plus, when you’re in a tent you’re just more tired. I think we were just missing home so much. We were both wrecks that week. That was a really tough week.”

But it was for Xavier’s sake that the couple felt they had to do the show.

Viewers saw how dangerous their Adelaide house was before it was renovated. There was exposed wiring and loose tiles, and their living area was in a garage.


Kate reveals that they barely spent any time in their house because of the dangers.

“We weren’t home much,” she explains. “We had to go to the park or go to my parents’ house or someone else’s house because it wasn’t that safe with Xav.”

Despite the teary moments they both had, Kate says they never regretted going on House Rules.

“We just had to keep thinking what life will be like when we get home. We never ever regretted it, but it was definitely really tough.”


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