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Life couldn’t be better for upbeat
 House Rules host Johanna Griggs

‘My secret to happiness’
House Rules Joh Griggs

She’s 43 and hotter property than ever. 
On top of hosting 
both House Rules 
and Better Homes And Gardens, Johanna Griggs 
has a third series about homes on the way.

“I’m as happy as a pig 
in mud,” she declares.

It’s no wonder the thought of ageing doesn’t worry her.

“Couldn’t give a rat’s,” she cheerfully says. “I’ve been 
in the public eye for over 
25 years. I’ve never known anything different. You 
can never hide.”

Anyone who follows Joh 
on social media will know she’s not precious. Photos from a recent road trip with husband Todd Huggins show her fresh-faced with her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

“I don’t wear make-up or 
do my hair when I’m away from work – it just goes into 
a ponytail,” Joh says. “I’ll often put those pictures on Instagram and I don’t even think about it.

“Other people point it out to me. They’re like, ‘Wow, you really don’t care – you just 
put it out there.’ It’s like, ‘Well, that’s who I am and I have no concerns about that.’

“That might change in another 20 years, but then 
I’d be surprised if I’m on camera in 20 years!”

Joh says that at 43, she feels as if she’s at an exciting stage of her career.

“I’ve had an incredible run,” she enthuses. “I’ve never been out of work. I’ve always had 
a really busy schedule with lots of variety, so I don’t really have any complaints.”

So just how does Joh get her happy, healthy glow?

“I’m a big believer of happiness comes from the inside,” she explains. “One thing I can absolutely say 
is I’m so happy in my life.

“When you have 
a good balance in your life, and good people, 
it shows through.”

Joh admits she 
has felt the effects 
of ageing when it comes to fitness.

Being in her forties means she now has to put in a bit more effort. But 
the former champion swimmer doesn’t do endless laps in the pool.

“We have 
a gym at home,” she says. “I use the treadmill and box, and we’ve got a bike 
and free weights. So 
that’s part of our routine when I’m home – and 
I haven’t had 
a lot of time 
at home 
this year.

“The older you get, the more you 
have to work 
at fitness. It doesn’t happen as easily as 
it used to.”

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