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Home And Away shock: Who is shot?

Which fan favourite is in the firing line? And will they survive?
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In an explosive week of Home And Away, the mission to find Justin’s (James Stewart) daughter, Ava (Grace Thomas), will reach a climactic end when he comes face-to-face with the crazed kidnapper.

But what happens next will have a huge effect on everyone in Summer Bay.

The non-stop action begins when teenager Raffy (Olivia Deeble) returns home to find a ransom note on the doorstep. Ava’s captors are demanding $25,000 in exchange for her safety.

Fans will recall the youngster’s backpack was found at a local bus stop in recent episodes. Justin searched high and low for his daughter, but to no avail.

Despite reassurance from his girlfriend Willow (Sarah Roberts), Justin feared the worst – and he was right.

Raffy and Justin can’t believe Ava has been kidnapped.

Later that day, Colby (Tim Franklin) visits the Morgan family. He details a plan bring to Ava home. It’s risky, but they’re running out of time.

“Justin is a broken man, just trying to keep himself together for his daughter’s sake,” Tim, 27, tells TV WEEK. “His head is living in the land of what-ifs, which Colby understands all too well.

“The plan is dangerous, but he’ll do it by any means necessary.”

Justin hesitantly agrees to the idea and Willow offers to be the bait. The trap has been set – but will it actually work?

The Morgans are seriously worried about young Ava.

In the bushland, Willow prepares to make the exchange. Colby and his men hide among the shrubs, while Justin waits in an unmarked police car.

However, Dean (Patrick O’Connor) unexpectedly arrives on the scene to help find Ava – or perhaps to impress his ex, Willow.

“Dean is there for his old mates,” Tim says. “He would never sit on the sidelines when the ones he loves are in danger.”

Justin panics. He can only watch in silent horror as the River Boy unknowingly walks into the trap they’ve set.

Thankfully, a car pulls up and Dean is forced into hiding. To everyone’s surprise, a familiar face steps out of the car with Ava in tow. Who was it who took her?

“The kidnapper has an old grudge to settle,” Tim teases. “Someone may not make it out alive.”

Policeman Colby draws his gun and fires.

In her shock, Willow drops the briefcase and signals Colby for help. The policemen prepare to move in, but Dean gets there first!

Chaos ensues as the River Boy crash-tackles the criminal to the ground. As the pair wrestle, the kidnapper strikes Dean across the face and sprints to a vehicle.

It looks as though the criminal is about to escape, until the car begins hurtling towards Dean.

In a matter of frenzied seconds, Colby pulls out his gun as Willow runs forward to help Dean, and Justin scrambles to get Ava out of harm’s way.

“Colby is put in a situation where the ones he loves are in great danger,” Tim explains. “There’s only one choice he can make.”

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, and someone screams. Who’s been shot?

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