It’s been a rocky road to the altar for Felicity and Tane and, as the big day nears, she’s still left wondering: ”Am I doing the right thing?”
In the 2022 season finale of Home And Away, the bride-to-be is suffering a serious case of cold feet. Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) knows she loves Tane (Ethan Browne) but is worried that marriage might not be for her.
”Felicity loves that Tane challenges her and her values,” Jacqui, 26, tells TV WEEK.
”He makes her a better person and lets her be herself… but she’s definitely nervous. She can’t believe she’s committing and doing something she never thought she would.”

”I can’t do it.”
(IMAGE: Channel 7)That worry has been lurking at the back of her mind from the moment Tane proposed, but Felicity had thought she’d managed to get past her doubts.
”Then her fear of failure bubbles up again and all she can think about is what if this is the wrong decision and she fails at being a wife,” Jacqui says.
”It’s all negative and she can’t seem to turn it around.”
Fortunately, her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) is there to remind her that her doubts are nothing compared to the future she can enjoy.
”Cash reminds her of her love for Tane, and also reinforces the fact that she won’t screw it all up and that this is the right decision,” Jacqui says.

Sane starts to wonder if his bride is going to turn up.
(IMAGE: Channel 7)A wedding gift of her dad’s restored ute reminds Felicity that the good times can outweigh the bad if you just try. Suddenly, she’s back on track.
”She’s blown away by the gift,” Jacqui says. ,
”It’s so personal and wonderful. She can’t believe it.”
What nobody realises, however, is that the ute has been sabotaged.
In the dead of night, before the big day, a sinister figure approaches the vehicle. Looking around to make sure no-one is watching; the man reaches for the brake lines. Who is he and what does he have planned?
When the bride and her maid of honour Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) drive off to the big day, are they finally heading to the wedding or into the jaws of disaster?

A mystery man tampers with Felicity’s wedding gift – but why?
(IMAGE: Channel Seven)Also this week
Bride-to-be Felicity panics on her wedding day, but there’s worse to come. In the wake of Bree’s abusive husband kidnapping her, there are grave concerns for her safety.
Musician Remi (Adam Rowland) is desperate to find Bree (Juliet Godwin), the woman he loves, but is too weak after Jacob (Alex Williams) ambushed him, tied him to a chair and smashed his hand with a hammer.
The violent scene forced Bree to agree to leave town with Jacob. The decision may have saved Remi’s life, but now, no-one knows where she is. Can Remi find Bree before it’s too late?
The season finale airs Monday at 7PM on Channel Seven.