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Home and Away recap: Farewell Zac

A shock exit and a surprise return rocked the residents of Summer Bay this week.

There was no shortage of surprises on Home and Away this week as Hunter (Scott Lee) dropped a bombshell, Jett (Will McDonald) returned and Zac (Charlie Clausen) bid his final farewell.


With his life crumbling around him, Zac was delivered yet another blow this week when he learnt Hunter isn’t his biological son. Can this guy catch a break already?!

Hunter, who had known the paternity results for weeks, suddenly blurted out the truth when Zac informed him of a job offer in the Southern Highlands of NSW.

Despite his shock, Zac appeared to take the news fairly well. That is, until he went back to his caravan and destroyed everything in sight. Thankfully, Nate (Kyle Pryor) was nearby to stop him from tearing the place apart.

Meanwhile, Hunter crumbles in Olivia’s (Raechelle Banno) arms. He can’t believe he’s lost the only father he’s ever wanted. But, the question remains: who is Hunter’s dad?


Amid a barrage of bad news, the residents of Summer Bay were given something to smile about when they welcomed back John’s (Shane Withington) son, Jett Having heard about John and Marilyn’s (Emily Symons) marital problems from Alf (Ray Meagher), Jett wasted no time in trying to get his parent’s back on track. Hoorah!


Ours tears were flowing like a river as Zac bid farewell to Summer Bay this week. After struggling to come to terms with his marriage breakup and Hunter’s devastating blow, Zac decides he needs a fresh start. During a Skype call to Evie, she suggests he come to Vietnam. With little hesitation, Zac packed his bag for the airport. Unable to front his wife, Zac signs the divorce papers and leaves Leah a letter. Say it isn’t so!

Upon hearing Zac has already left, Leah cries on the pier of The Diner. Suddenly, she turns to see her husband. He couldn’t bring himself to leave without seeing her one last time. In a teary farewell, Zac explains that he’ll always love her but he has to do this. She wishes him well and watches longingly as he walks away… we’ll miss you Zac!

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