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H&A: A little crush: Justin’s daughter returns to Summer Bay with a hidden agenda

Is it just a little crush?
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It’s been a while since viewers have seen Justin’s daughter Ava.

But this week, she returns to Summer Bay… and she’s all grown up.

Now a teenager, Ava (Annabel Wolfe) is no longer daddy’s little girl. And although she’s come to stay with him, she prefers to spend her time with musician Theo (Matt Evans), who’s caught her eye in the wake of band Lyrik’s newfound fame.

When she arrives unannounced at the garage her dad Justin (James Stewart) owns, he’s thrown to see her and asks why she didn’t call. Ava says she simply wanted to visit, but can barely hide her admiration for Theo, who’s nearby.

Ava arrives in Summer Bay far more grown up than anyone remembers.

(IMAGE: Seven)

”I think this is what makes Ava and Justin’s storyline so relatable to many father-daughter relationships out there, and therefore beautiful to watch,” Annabel, 20, tells TV WEEK.

”Until now, Ava has appeared on the show only as a ‘little girl’ or at a stage of pre-adolescence. Justin quickly realises how much she’s grown up in his absence – not only physically, but mentally.

”This change creates barriers between them as they struggle to communicate and understand one another.”

While Ava settles in, Justin phones her mother Nina (Zoe Naylor), who explains that things have been tense ever since Ava began talking to a boy online.

When she refused to discuss him or heed her mother’s words of caution, they had a big argument and Ava stormed out.

Justin is surprised and pleased when his daughter turns up unexpectedly…..but it becomes clear she’s more interested in Theo.

(IMAGE: Seven)

Justin tries to play peacekeeper and pushes his daughter to tell him more, but she won’t budge. Theo and bandmate Kirby (Angelina Thomson) come to her defence – surely it’s just a little crush?

When they leave, Ava goes with them, leaving Justin helpless and deflated. But one thing’s for sure: the teen wants to stay in Summer Bay.

”Ava’s return will bring chaos to Justin’s life, as he’s forced to deal with the rebellion of a resentful daughter,” Annabel says.

That night, after another failed attempt to bond, Ava retreats to her room and viewers get to see her real agenda for coming to town. What is it?

Tane & Felicity begin to crack

The wifi problem at the surf club sees an already stressed Tane blow up.

(IMAGE: Seven)

Their relationship has been rocky since the car crash. But this week, Felicity’s erratic behaviour sparks one of their biggest fights yet as a worried Tane delivers his fiancée some home truths.

At a loss, Tane (Ethan Browne) begins to take out his frustrations on everyone, including John (Shane Withington), who has some bad news: the wi-fi isn’t working at the surf club.

The unexpected clash catches John off guard, forcing Dean (Patrick O’Connor) to intervene.

At home, Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) continues to smuggle in alcohol, in denial that she has real trauma to deal with.

After Tane settles down, he suggests to Felicity she might benefit from some counselling. While well meant, his suggestion sends Flick into a rage and she threatens to move out!

Also This Week

John has something he hopes will help Theo change his mind: muffins!

(IMAGE: Seven)

The Summer Bay surf club is about to get a technology upgrade this week that will bring it firmly into the 31st century.

But one person could stop it: Alf (Ray Meagher).

The longtime local doesn’t like change and is stubbornly against it. After a terse stand-off, John tries to make peace with some muffins and perhaps soften the blow for what may already be underway.

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