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EXCLUSIVE: Heather Mitchell lifts the lid on friendship with Hugo Weaving

''To work with him is always a joy, and to work with him intimately was very special because we have such a strong friendship.''
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Navigating the complexities of relationships when new love becomes a long-term proposition, Love Me season two picks up the story of the Mathieson family nine months after we last saw them almost 18 months ago.

Returning to the fold of this all-star cast is Hugo Weaving as Glen, the father experiencing new love in his 60s, Bojana Novakovic as the highly successful, yet complicated Clara and William Lodder as Aaron, a young man facing a new type of love and responsibility.

Also, on hand to star alongside the Mathieson family is Logie award winning actress Heather Mitchell as Anita, Bob Morley as Peter and Mitzi Ruhlmann as Jesse.

WATCH NOW: Love Me Season One Trailer. Article continues after video.

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Speaking exclusively with TV Week about what to expect from the new season, Heather Mitchell revealed that the story is ”like an unravelling of people’s pasts.”

”In season one we very much dealt with grief and loss and finding new love and what I love about this season is that we are looking at all the complex layers below the surface of what goes on within the relationships,” Heather tells us.

”The season really looks at love and what’s going on beneath the love, what keeps the love alive.

”It’s really beautiful.”

Love Me Season 2 Director Bonnie Moir alongside actors William Lodder, Heather Mitchell and Mitzi Ruhlmann.

(IMAGE: Binge/James Gourley)

Heather also notes that the age similarity between herself and Anita is merely scraping the barrel about how she relates to her fictional character.

”Oh, I love Anita, I think she’s so positive, so joyous and someone who focuses on breaking the limitations of life. She wants to free herself of any restrictions that society may impose on us.”

”And I find as a woman who is the same age as Anita, I find her a very uplifting and positive character to play.

Some of the most heartfelt and powerful moments from season one came from the budding relationship between Anita and widow Glen, who is portrayed by fellow acting titan Hugo Weaving.

Heather won a Silver Logie for her portrayal of Anita in season one of Love Me.

(IMAGE: Binge/James Gourley)

But what many viewers may not realise is that in a serendipitous turn of fate, the on-screen lovers are actually firm friends, having worked across numerous films and television projects together.

After more than four decades of friendship, it then comes as no surprise that Heather cannot speak highly enough about her co-star.

”Hugo is probably one of the most generous, intelligent, caring people you could ever meet let alone act with. He is a supreme person. To work with him is always a joy, and to work with him intimately was very special because we have such a strong friendship,” Heather says.

The 65-year-old actress is of course referring to the ground-breaking sex scenes between the pair on the show, breaking the unspoken taboo that desire has an expiry date.

”We had an amazing intimacy coordinator who worked with us and it just took our friendship to a whole new level…..he [Hugo] is just one of the most beautiful people to have ever lived, he’s wonderful.”

WATCH NOW: Love Me Season Two Trailer. Article continues after video.

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The praise for Hugo doesn’t end there however, with industry newcomers Mitzi Ruhlmann and William Lodder telling TV Week that it was an ”out of body experience” to act alongside both Hugo and Heather.

”They are such beautiful people, and it was so amazing to watch them work together and see how they approached the work. It was such a treat,” Mitzi told us.

William shared in this sentiment: ”It was pretty wild, I had to pinch myself every time I went onto set. They are titans and it’s just so humbling that I get to work with them and do scenes, I just always felt really privileged.”

William Lodder and Mitzi Ruhlmann couldn’t speak highly enough about working alongside industry greats Heather and Hugo.

(IMAGE: Binge/James Gourley)

So given the series is all about love in the modern age, we couldn’t end our interview without asking the stars of the show how they would describe it.

”What a beautiful question,” Heather responds with a smile.

”I think love for me now is very much about moments, of embracing and loving life. Everything now is about embracing the moments in life. When I was younger, it was very much about the excitement of love, the limericks of love, the physicality and viscerality of love. But as you get older, for me, love becomes broader and it’s very much focused on the individual and being in love with life.”

”I think when it is easy and simple it’s ideal,” Mitzi told TV Week.

”Love itself never ages,” William echoes.

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