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EXCLUSIVE: “Kerri-Anne saved my life!” Carmelo Pizzino’s emotional tell-all

The dancer has KAK to thank for getting him through some of his darkest days

They shared a fun-loving, toe-tapping, mutually admiring relationship on screen as partners on Dancing with the Stars.

But away from the disco ball and sequins their roles would reverse, and Kerri-Anne Kennerley would coach Carmelo.

See how Kerri-Anne change Carmelo’s life in the video below! Post continues…

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“She’s like my second mum,” reveals Carmelo, 42, who would turn to the bubbly blonde during his frequent dark episodes.

“Kerri-Anne became the one person I opened up to. She knows me back to front,” he says.

To read his full chat with Woman’s Day, where he talks about how exactly Kerri-Anne save him, be sure to pick a copy of this week’s magazine!

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