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EXCLUSIVE: A body language expert on The Bachelorette final 3

Finals week is officially here! And our body language expert thinks she knows exactly who Sophie Monk has fallen for.
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She got it 100% right when we asked her to weigh in on Matty Johnson’s final three ladies on The Bachelorette – perfectly predicting Tara Pavlovic in third place, Elise Stacy for second and Laura Byrne in the top spot.

And now Louise Mahler, Leadership Influencer and Body Language expert, is back to help us read the language of love Sophie Monk’s suitors are speaking on The Bachelorette Australia, 2017 finale.

Here, the body language ninja enlightens us with her expert eye and spills which lucky lad is riding off into the Fijian sunset with Miss Monk this Thursday…

Jarrod Woodgate

The first meeting

Who could forget Jarrod Woodgate’s red carpet arrival? The vineyard manager made a memorable impression by inviting Sophie to help him crush grapes with her bare feet.

“Jarrod and Sophie’s first meeting was nothing but awkward,” Louise tells us.

“Watching Sophie’s beautiful long dress getting stomped on would have put any woman on edge and there was so much focus there, I don’t think Jarrod got a look. She tells us Jarrod is not normally her type and ‘polite, honest genuine’ before adding, ‘I am so impressed.’ The problem is that she lists his qualities emotionlessly on her fingers and then shakes her head when she says she is impressed, suggesting she actually is not,” Louise points out.

WATCH: Relive Jarrod and Sophie’s first encounter in the player below. Post continues…

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The first kiss

Cast your mind back to the first week. It was a simpler time.

A time before pot plant-gate and the stage-five clinger label.

In fact, the 31-year-old was the first punter to sweep Sophie off her feet, landing the numero uno date and kiss of the season.

“She is the one to break it off,” Louise says of Jarrod and Sophie’s first kiss.

According to Louise, Sophie and Jarrod’s first kiss was pretty lackluster.

“Sophie prepares by looking at the ground, putting her tongue in her cheek – this is not a sign of passion. When she tells Jarrod, ‘You really looked after me.’ She finishes the statement by scratching her face. Face touching is a sign of deceit. His eyes are fixed on hers, but she only briefly grabs a glimpse in his direction. She is totally uncomfortable with his intensity,” she claims.

“Jarrod has his hand around her neck and on her leg, which is a little weird and while she gives into the kiss, she is the one to break it off.”

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Home visits

So their first kiss may not have been fireworks but Louise says Jarrod and Sophie’s body language during home visits show just how fond the singer is of him and that his family have helped “redeem him.”

Despite this, Sophie isn’t 100% comfortable around his loved ones.

“Sophie looks like an intruder,” Louise notes.

Feeling a little uncomfortable there, Soph?

Apollo Jackson

The first meeting

Apollo Jackson came into Sophie’s life with a bang – quite literally as he performed an explosive magic trick that had Soph paying attention from the get-go.

“Apollos’ first meeting was stunning. There’s laughter and she loved his tricks. He was so impressive. Here is a showman after Sophie’s heart,” Louise says.

WATCH: Apollo and Sophie’s magical red carpet introduction. Post continues below…

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The first kiss

Their first kiss gave us butterflies but Louise thinks there were several red flags of doom.

“Before kissing him, she looks at the rose and everywhere but at him. This is not a good sign!”

“Sophie initiates the kiss with Apollo but could not turn away fast enough. Whose hands are around whose neck? His around hers,” Louise muses of their confusing smooch.

Relive their spell-binding smooch in the player below. Post continues…

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Apparently his hand on her neck is NOT a good thing.

Home visits

By the time Sophie meets the magic man’s family, Louise thinks the nail is firmly placed in Apollo’s coffin.

Looking at the way they interact, the body language expert says the 13-year age difference has gotten the better of them and the 24-year-old is “more like Sophie’s son” than a suitable partner.

Uh oh! Louise says Apollo is “more like Sophie’s son” than a lover.

Stu Laundy

The first meeting

Louise reckons Sophie and Stu Laundy’s red carpet reunion was a textbook example of sparks flying.

“It’s got nothing to do with the money. Sophie just likes Stu. When she meets him, it was a surprise to see him again but she never turned away, took her eyes off him and she nodded – these are gestures of approval,” she explains to us.

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Stu had Sophie captivated from the get-go.

The first kiss

He might not have been able to stop talking during their first pash, but Louise is quick to notice a huge dynamic change between Sophie and Stu’s kiss compared to Jarrod and Apollo.

“Their first kiss is outrageously different to the others. Check out whose hands are now grabbing at the other person. It’s Sophie’s and Stu is the one who breaks it off,” she says.

Louise also says the fact Sophie thinks Stu speaking throughout their kiss is funny, as opposed to annoying, is another green light to love.

WATCH: Sophie makes out with motormouth Stu. Post continues below…

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“Their first kiss is outrageously different to the others,” Louise highlights.

Home visits

Louise says the love between Sophie and Stu’s family is mutual, with the clan accepting her with open arms.

“Before they meet his loved ones, Stu smiles, Sophie smiles and here is the trick – they are looking towards each other.”

“The highlight of the home visit with Stu’s family was the heart-warming acceptance from Stu’s father. The whole family were cool, calm and accepting and Sophie fitted in beautifully.”

“Look at the relaxed poses of everyone in the photo. Stu’s dad Arthur has his arm warmly around Sophie, just like she’s part of the group.”

Our body language expert says Sophie slots right into Stu Laundy’s family.

The final verdict

After studying the top three contenders more intently than Jarrod watches his pot plant grow, our Bachelorette body language expert predicts the following outcome…

First: Stu Laundy

“Stu is her type and despite all the failings, the best of the bunch for her. I’m not saying it will last!” Louise says.

Second: Jarrod Woodgate

“Jarrod is the one she should choose, but what do you do when the chemistry is not there?”

Third: Apollo Jackson

“Apollo is gorgeous, but was never in the running,” Louise claims.

Do you agree with Louise’s predictions? Let us know who you think will win in the poll below!


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