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EXCLUSIVE: Ben Mingay talks House of Bond

I put on my double chin, the deal was sealed!
Ben Mingay

Ben Mingay sat down with Woman’s Day to chat about his daring new show on Channel Nine, House of Bond.

The actor will step into the shoes of one of Australia’s biggest icons, businessman Alan Bond.

1. This is your first major role as a the central character… What was the audition process like?

It was very swift! Actors can sometimes struggle to get seen for certain roles and in this case I was a last minute entry. However, once I got in the room with director Mark Joffe and put on my double chin, the deal was sealed.

2. How did you prepare for the role of Alan Bond?

Well considering I won the role only two weeks before production started filming, I had to cram in all the information I could find online and from old news clips. Luckily the script was very thorough and our Director had a very clear picture of this character so that made my task a lot easier.

3. You look as if you had a transformation to take on the role of Alan Bond – what did that involve / how was it achieved?

Well my manager Mark Morrissey had pegged me for this role very early. Even though we didn’t even know if we could get an audition, I started bulking up a little bit and studying a few of his mannerisms.

Alan passed away in 2015.

4. Is it challenging taking on a role of a real person who still has living family members?

Absolutely. When playing a version of a real person there is a tremendous pressure to do it justice. There is a very fine line you must walk so as to not paint the wrong picture. Nobody wants to upset anyone’s family especially when the person you are playing is not around to defend themselves. In the case of House Of Bond my character was clearly written and with the help of the director we brought that character off the page.

5. Was it fun playing a Billionaire even if it was just playing a role?

It was bloody awesome! I got to drive a Rolls Royce, fly in a private jet, hang out on several multi-million dollar yachts, and kick some corporate butt in the boardroom. I could really get used to it.

6. How was it working alongside Adrienne Pickering, Sam Neill, Gyton Grantley , Rachael Taylor?

I could not have asked for a better supporting cast. They are not only brilliant performers but also the most wonderful human beings. Sam Neill is an absolute powerhouse as is Gyton and it was pretty damn easy to fall in love with both Adrienne and Rachael.

7. Had you worked with any of the cast before?

No. I knew Gyton already so I was excited when I heard he was onboard. As for the others…. it was my first time… and extremely memorable.

8. You have something in common with Alan – he was a sign writer before he was a multimillionaire, and you were a construction worker before you were an actor? That’s a pretty incredible turn of events!

Yes indeed. I’m pretty sure what Bondy achieved is a bit more significant… but let’s hope the millions roll in soon.

Ben will star alongside acting great Sam Neill.

9. There are a lot of sex scenes in the series, how do you prepare for those intimate scenes?

I go to a happy place in my head and imagine I’m running through a fragrant meadow with my fiancé.

10. Alan was also a womaniser… how was it being surrounded by beautiful women like Rachel, Adrienne and Samantha Jade?

It was a lot of hard work. But nobody’s ever accused ol’ Mingay of not rolling up his sleeves and having a go.

11. Is it important to have chemistry with your onscreen lover?

It is possibly one of the most important aspects of the story. You can’t ‘act’ true chemistry, you have to actually create it. Fortunately in this case, Adrienne and Rachel made this a no brainer as they are both gorgeous human beings.

14. Plans to crack Hollywood?

Hollywood is always a focus point and my management are constantly working on it. In the meantime I’m happy to be close to my beautiful family working with all the amazing talent Australia has to offer.

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