We’re just going to come right out and say it – if Georgia Love doesn’t end up choosing Matty on The Bachelorette, she’s insane! Also, we’re available. Call us, Matty…
Photos have emerged of the reality TV hunk in a 2011 Le Specs ad campaign alongside model Annabella Barber. And we’d like to take a moment to thank the sun gods for making sure he’s shirtless in said photos. Seriously – thank you, sun gods!
While Sam, Lee and Rhys have all spoken openly about their modelling experience, the 29-year-old marketing manager hasn’t mentioned it. We have no idea why he’s playing shy – if these were our photos, we’d have them blown up, framed and hanging in every corner of the Bachelorette mansion. Seriously!
After admitting she didn’t even really consider Matty until their first date, something tells us Georgia, 27, would have noticed him a hell of a lot sooner if he’d presented her with these photos at their first meeting.
We’ll just leave these here…

Photographer: Todd Barry

Photographer: Todd Barry

Photographer: Todd Barry