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EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor babe Elise Stacy reveals her dating struggle

“Dating since The Bachelor has been difficult.” Matty J’s runner-up reveals her date night dramas.
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It was ugly cry faces all round for those watching The Bachelor finale where Matty Johnson broke runner-up Elise Stacy’s heart on a picturesque beach in Thailand.

But it’s been over three months since 1.11 million viewers tuned in to watch the brutal breakup, and the marketing executive has more than moved on.

“It’s all in the past now and I’m over the whole experience, for sure. It feels like a million years ago now,” the 29-year-old tells OK!.

In fact, after a trip to the States straight after the show, she jumped back into work and is now out there on the dating scene.

“I’ve been dating again, which has been great – a lot of fun. I haven’t found the special one yet, but I’ve been enjoying it,” she shares.

Dating post-Bachelor, however, has been somewhat different for the Sydney-based beauty.

“You go out on a date and people recognise you and they look… The first date that I went on after the show finished airing, these two chicks came up and were like, “Oh my God, you’re Elise” and I was like, “Let a girl be, she’s trying to move on”, but it’s nice… I guess it’s better than a camera crew,” Elise laughs.

The singleton also admits she’s more cautious of her feelings now, and isn’t going to jump into any relationship too quickly.

Despite the connection she formed with Matty J while on the show, Elise says she’s no longer in contact with the former Bachelor or his pick, Laura Byrne. “I just let them be,” she said.

“I’m taking my time… I’m not too keen on falling in love with someone again that doesn’t feel the same way,” she explains.

So has Elise been in touch with Matty or his girlfriend Laura Byrne since the show ended?

“No, I just let them be, which I think is best for everyone,” she says.

As for an appearance on 2018’s Bachelor in Paradise, the stunner says she was approached and we’ll have to “wait and see” if she took up the offer.

For those holding out hope that The Bachelorette might be an option, well, you may be disappointed.

“I’m not really thinking about that. I’m happy that my life is back to normal. I can’t see myself [as the Bachelorette].”

Check out the current issue of OK! for more of Elise’s exclusive chat!

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