We’re 10 episodes in to The Bachelor Australia and there were just nine girls left in the game – well that was until our resident villain Jen pulled a Sharlene and hotfooted it right out of the mansion. If you missed it, here are the key takeaways from tonight’s episode.
Elise is the Matty J of this season
We all know Matty J is a fan of the slow burn. His own fling with She Who Must Not be Named was a slow burn of glacial progress.
And tonight, Elise proved she’s been playing Matty at his own game.
After getting her dad to put the hard word on Matty, Elise found herself on a tour of Sydney which encompassed a trip to the florist, a cheeky hockey game in the park and a harbour cruise complete with spa. We’re not sure exactly what her dad threatened Matty with, but whatever it was, it must have been good.

Things went very well for Elise.
At first, things looked a little awkies on the date. Lots of touching and hand holding, but limited eye contact. As the date progressed, however, the chemistry REALLY showed. Admit it, you were grinning goofily at the TV watching while watching Elise school Matty J at hockey.
We really haven’t seen much of Elise this season, but going off this episode she seems like a genuinely great girl. We hope Matty was being honest about his feelings, but there’s still a slight chance Elise left her run too late and she could still be in danger of being friend zoned… Watch this space.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses the game
This week’s group date saw the girls enjoy a day out at the beach. Jen was all about winning everything in order to secure more time with Matty. Instead of playing it cool, calm and collected, Jen came across as aggressive, argumentative and angry. Alas, despite her best efforts, Jen’s team didn’t win and she wasn’t happy about it.
Meanwhile, Tara, Lisa, Elora and Elise enjoyed a victory BBQ with Matty J. Tara also enjoyed a little extra one-on-one time with Matty. It’s hard to tell if Matty’s laughing with or at Tara’s antics most of the time. Is she still there because she’s potential girlfriend material? Or because she’s the only entertainment they have in the Bachelor mansion?

The smiles didn’t last…
Jen goes rogue
Everybody loves the part in the movie where the super villain goes rogue and tonight Jen went WAY off script. She was willing to do whatever it took to take Lisa down. But her bold play seemed to backfire. Jen told Matty that Lisa viewed him like a brother and that Lisa felt that Matty was only there to raise his social standing.

Wait, are you saying that not everyone loves me?!
Matty then spoke to Lisa, who rationally explained that she felt she didn’t know him as well as some of the other girls as their single date was 700 years ago – Matty seemed mollified by the explanation.
Elise took the chance to confront Jen over the tattle-telling. At first Jen held her ground, but it wasn’t long before the waterworks came out. Jen then decided to leave without any explanation. So was she lying about Lisa? Guess we’ll never know… If we’re honest, her pieces to camera were getting more vicious by the day; perhaps it’s a good thing for everyone that she decided to call it quits.