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Meet the contestants going into the wild for Alone Australia

How far would you go for $250,000?
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In the reality series Alone, there’s just one thing contestants need to do – survive.


Dropped into an isolated location with limited resources, they must build a shelter, find food and keep themselves safe for as long as possible.

If they get hungry, miss home, fall ill or just find it too hard, they can ”tap out” and rescuers will appear.

But until then, the aim of the game is to live by yourself as long as possible with the winner taking home $250,000.

With the first ever Australian series set to start airing on SBS on March 29th, we thought now would be a good time to introduce you to the 10 Australians who will be dropped into the Tasmanian wilderness.


Who will last the longest alone in the Tasmanian wildnerness?


Beck, 42, VIC

Meet Beck


Beck is a secondary school Science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teacher and grandmother and says that she feels more at home in the outdoors than anywhere else.

“I’m resourceful, I’m a problem solver, I’m bloody stubborn, but I’m not a survival expert. I’ve grown up camping and fishing and been out on Country, I’ve learned from my Elders and friends who are great outdoors people… though I’ve never been away from my partner; I’m ready to test myself!”


Chris, 39, TAS

Meet Chris.


A retired war veteran of Iraq living with PTSD, Chris finds being alone with nature, on the coast and away from the lights and sounds of the city incredibly restorative. An avid fisherman, abalone and crayfish free diver, a self-sustaining beach, ocean and spear fisherman, Chris started creating and sharing content around his fishing escapades as a way to connect with people going through similar trauma after service.

“Whether it’s diving in the ocean, camping, or exploring the land, all I know is that a life lived outside in the elements is where we as humans belong. It’s the only way for healthy minds. That’s where I live.”

Duane, 35, TAS

Meet Duane.


Duane is a fun-loving Wildlife and Environmental Officer and keen recreational surfer.

A proud First Nations man and a gushy father of two, Duane is constantly seeking a deeper connection to Country and sees Alone as the perfect opportunity to live as his Ancestors did and to bring his family closer to their heritage.

“I know my Ancestors were out there for thousands of years, but they had family and clans. This is a whole new way of being on Country, just me by myself, so I’m looking forward to that challenge within this experience!”

Gina, 52, NSW

Meet Gina.


Rewilding facilitator, bushcraft teacher, meditation leader, barefoot nomad, singer, dancer, and primitive huntress… for this multidisciplinary creative, the bush is where Gina feels most at home.

“I’ve spent my whole life learning how to be in the wild and be a part of nature rather than apart from nature. A challenge like this, to go out into the wild, full survival, is something I’ve dreamed about since I was a kid… I can’t think of anything I want to do more!”

Jimmy, 22, SA

Meet Jimmy.


At 22 years of age, Jimmy is the youngest of the 10, but by no means the least experienced.


At home, Jimmy raises, butchers, and processes his own livestock and grows his own fruit and vegetables on the property.

“I’ve spent most of my life being outdoors and learning what I can from nature and seeing how far I can go just on my own without having to rely on others… Ever since I saw the very first episode of the first US Alone series, I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do!”

Kate, 41, ACT

Meet Kate.


After a PhD she’s now Dr Kate; a wildlife biologist and expedition leader, working in remote parts of Australia to discover new species of plants and animals.


Kate has practiced bushcraft since she was a little girl, building shelters, finding water, making spears, weaving baskets and lighting fires.

“I’ve learned to think how animals think and understand their behaviour. I can identify species from tracks, traces and their calls. I’m not going to be in a rush to kill our native species as I’ve worked so hard to protect them, but I’m keen to take a shovel so I can target the unseen food, right under our feet; tubers, roots and other edibles.”

Michael, 43, NSW

Meet Michael.


Michael lives with his wife and two children on over 500 acres, running the family farm and tending to his livestock; 120 sheep, 14 cattle, six donkeys, one horse as well as 175 000 bees and fruit and vegetable crops.


In spite of the fact that he enjoys the quiet of his own company, Michael’s Christian beliefs will be a source of strength to him at times when the isolation and loneliness prove toughest.

“My favourite thing is to do what someone else says can’t be done. Necessity is the mother of inventions and few things we choose to do are actually impossible.”

Mike 45, NSW

Meet Mike.


Mike likes to test his survival theories in extreme environments which have ranged from arctic colds to the extreme heats of middle eastern desserts.


The extreme outdoors, photography and filming are his passion – this is what led Mike to resign from the military and its secure income to pursue his dream of setting and completing his own solo expeditions and filming them to share the experience with others.

“I’ve grown up spending a lot of time out in the bush doing a lot of solo survival. It really is my passion. My experience from my last adventure is that you really do get in tune with the landscape, so to have the opportunity to stay in the one spot for a long time and just really tune into it… that will be amazing!”

Peter, 31, NSW

Meet Peter.


As soon as Peter’s fine motor skills were developed enough to hold a tool in his hands, he was out hunting and fishing with family, learning the skills, dexterity, and smarts of the craft as well as the intricacies of the physical and mental game.


As the lead guide on his hunting expeditions, Peter has worked across a wide range of terrains and in a variety of weather conditions, survival situations and natural environments and is confident in his experience, knowledge, and abilities when it comes to the safety and survival requirements of this challenge.

“I’m adaptive, I’m inventive, I’m very strong-minded – in my line of work you need to be! I have people from all around the world come hunting with me here in Australia. Everything I’ve learned from all over the years of survival skills, hunting skills, fire, water, trapping, skinning, the whole lot; this is the one, ultimate place for me to put all my skills to the test.”

Rob, 41, VIC

Meet Rob.


Rob places critical value on raising his family with an appreciation and understating of Country through lived exposure and experience – fishing, camping, and hunting as a family as often as possible.


With Indigenous knowledge systems being experiential, and heavily shaping Rob’s education, he strongly subscribes to the proven practice of teaching and learning being an immersive communal effort in attaining the knowledge and skills required to thrive on Country.

“Depending on whose Country I’m on will determine how well I survive. There will be places in Australia that I’m more comfortable with than others in terms of knowing what to look for and how to thrive.”

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