All Together Now: 100 things you didn’t know about The 100

The judges spill the beans...
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Home to one of TV’s largest judging panels, it’s no surprise that All Together Now have some incredibly bright and colourful personalities making up their ‘100’.

However with so many faces on one show, you’d be forgiven for not recognising a face or two, or missing out on the odd back story.

TV WEEK has taken the liberty to learn some fun facts and trivia about ‘The 100’.

1 Ronan Keating

“When I was a child, I wanted to be an Olympic sprinter.”

2 Shauna Jensen

“My grandfather was a fabulous singer and orator.”

3 Lara Mulcahy

“I was a birthing partner for a best friend ‒ twice! And I can tap dance.”

4 Vanessa Powell

“I’ve worked with a lot of high-profile people overseas.”

5 Jacqui Dark

“I have a physics degree and taught maths and physics in secondary school.”

6 Komiti Levai

“I’m a nurse by day and musician by night.”

7 Clarissa Spata

“People assume I’m an extrovert, but I’m very shy.”

8 Eva Spata

“I was on Bert Newton’s New Faces when I was 16.”

9 Gemma Lyon

“I had a scholarship at The Australian Golf Club for 10 years.”

10 Jordan Raskopoulos

“I play roller derby.”

Ronan Keating and Julia Zemiro present All Together Now.

11 John Longmuir

“I’m the only musical member of my family.”

12 Josie Palermo

“I have a PhD in organisational psychology.”

13 Lucy Holmes

“When I was little girl, I loved heavy metal music.”

14 Lachlan Hay

“I competed at two Winter Olympics [as a speed skater].”

15 Luke Zancanaro

“I can drink liquid very fast.”

16 Mark Gable

“I’m a gamer. Xbox is my thing.”

17 Missy Lancaster

“My grandmother was an opera singer and so are my cousins.”

18 Jason Baclig

“I was a pro hockey player.”

19 Kattimoni

“I’ve never owned a TV in my life.”

20 Jeremy Brennan

“People are often surprised to learn I battle with nerves and still get stage fright.”

Jay Boyle saved himself while overseas by busking.

21 Ellen Reed

“I’m allergic to everything – including avocados!”

22 Monique Montez

“I got my stage name from the phone book.”

23 Michael Dalton

“I have webbed toes, but it’s done bugger-all for my swimming!”

24 Rufus Barr

“I sucked my thumb until I was 26.”

25 Ray Isaac

“I swear every two seconds.”

26 Rhonda Burchmore

“I used to be a school teacher.”

27 Robyn O’Donovan

“I’m a qualified medical scientist who worked in the field of infertility.”

28 James O’Donovan

“I once won $1000 on Deal Or No Deal!”

29 Sharon Calabro

“I’m deaf in my right ear.”

30 Donna Thomas

“I have a famous violinist uncle in Malta.”

Wil Sabin knows how to tap dance.

31 Silvie Paladino

“I can clap my feet.”

32 Brandon and Jordan (Take Two)

“We work full-time as tradesmen during the day and live off Redbull and coffee.”

33 Sophie Carter

“I wanted to be a professional tennis player when I was younger and was obsessed with Pat Cash.”

34 Victoria McGee

“I have a pacemaker.”

35 Stephen Wood

“I walked the 700km Camino de Santiago in Spain in 36 days.”

36 Tarisai Vusche

“I had a phobia of water and had to learn to swim.”

37 Scot Finnie

“I aspired to open the bowling for the Aussie cricket team and at 11 was picked to join a youth squad.”

38 Jess Dunbar

“My Pop gave me my first harmonica and guitar.”

39 Wil Sabin

“I can tap dance.”

40 Matt Price

“I was a pretty hyperactive kid growing up, so I took up drumming.”

Bryce Mileto may look like a rocker, but he loves electronic dance music.

41 Amy Longhurst

“My mother was a ballerina.”

42 Alex Reid

“I like to watch TV in foreign languages so the neighbours think I’m cultured.”

43 Dan Murphy

“I play the pipe organ.”

44 Kristy James

“I’ve only ever had three boyfriends and I married two of them…separately!”

45 Emily Rex

“I’m fixated on solving Sudoko puzzles.”

46 Glenn Whitehall

“I’m an ordained Dudeist. Dudeism is inspired by The Big Lebowski. I love that movie!”

47 Hugh Barrington

“I can barefoot waterski.”

48 Jessica Matthews

“I have a degree in biomedical science.”

49 Dianne Regan

“I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue.”

50 Jhay C

“I can cook a mean scrambled eggs.”

Former Hi-5 member Kellie Crawford (centre) was an athletics star.

51 Mary Kiani

“I supported Prince when he toured Scotland.”

52 Lisa Viola

“I’ve toured the globe with Bob Marley’s son Ky-Mani Marley.”

53 Ben Gillard

“I faint when I have to have an injection.”

54 Melanie Lewin

“I’m an Uber driver.”

55 Lolo Lovina

“I own a spotty caravan that converts into a stage.”

56 Brendan De La Hay

“My grandfather taught me to play the banjo and left me all his heirloom instruments.”

57 Carl De Villa

“I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology.”

58 Elisa James

“I was a trapeze artist in two circuses.”

59 Jay Boyle

“I was robbed overseas and lost basically everything. I busked to survive.”

60 Jason Jackson

“I made The Guinness Book Of Records in 2010 for the fastest moonwalk in history.”

Co-host Julia’s favourite musicians are Joni Mitchell, Bjork and ABBA.

61 Kellie Crawford

“I was athletics champion every year of high school.”

62 Pia Anderson

“I’m not as girly as I appear. I love playing sport and am very happy to get dirty.”

63 Richard Joyce

“I can sometimes solve a Rubik’s Cube.”

64 Andrew de Silva

“I love remote-control cars.”

65 Mini Marilyn

“I’m 147cm tall. Good things come in small packages!”

66 Mys T

“I do a pretty good Effie [the Greek-Australian character from Acropolis Now!] impression.”

67 Maria Mercedes

“I’ve given up meat and am working towards being vegan.”

68 Charmaine Jones

“I don’t like to wear a bra if I can help it.”

69 Minnie Cooper

“People would be surprised to learn I’m a man!”

70 Chris Tamwoy

“I’m obsessed with planes.”

The 100 get into the groove.

71 Carla Troiano

“I’m a distant relative of the great opera singer Mario Lanza.”

72 Chris Booth

“I sing in various languages.”

73 Dean Ray

“I’ve lived with spiritual activity in my life since I was eight.”

74 Diana Torossian

“I sourced the hit ‘Angels Brought Me Here’ for Guy Sebastian.”

75 Bryce Mileto (Sisters Doll)

“I have a soft spot for new wave electronic dance music and R&B.”

76 Austin Mileto (Sisters Doll)

“I played bass alongside Kiss drummer Peter Criss.”

77 Brennan Mileto (Sisters Doll)

“I was a dancer and musical theatre student for 10 years.”

78 Mitch Tambo

“I have a degree in social work.”

79 Nikki Bennett

“My dad taught me to sing.”

80 Paula Baxter

“I enjoy martial arts, particularly Muay Thai kickboxing.”

Hosts Julia and Ronan get amongst the panel.

81 Phil Golotta

“I have seven children, ranging in age from 31 to 56.”

82 Sikia Daha

“I once received a letter via Instagram from Tina Arena.”

83 Richard Nunez

“My hobbies include watching planes land and take off.”

84 Amanda Harrison

“I kisssed Hugh Jackman eight times a week when I starred opposite him in Sunset Boulevard in 1997!”

85 Saba Saliba

“I was born a twin, but my brother never made it, just like Elvis Presley’s.”

86 Rocco Bene

“I won the Hot 30 Teen Star Competition on 2DayFM hosted by Kyle and Jackie O.”

87 Dylan Wright

“I can get up and perform in front of thousands of people,but get extremely anxious if I have to do a presentation.”

88 Kayo Marbilus

“I’m a youth worker by day.”

89 Mike Scott

“My hobbies include fishing.”

90 Samantha Leith

“As a kid, I wanted to be the first female admiral of the Royal New Zealand Navy ‒ or a grinder on an America’s Cup team.”

There is more to the judges then meets the eye.

91 Liam Burrows

“I play many instruments.”

92 Samuel Gaskin

“I’ve written songs for Deni Hines and Tania Doko.”

93 Liam O’Byrne

“I come across confident and strong, but am a total softie.”

94 Dan Spillane

“I’ve overcome stage fright.”

95 Tannah De Gersigny

“I’m from a family of six kids and we’re all musicians, dancers or producers. And both my parents are musical. It was like living in the Von Trapp family!”

96 Natasha Pinto

“As a teenager, I won an opportunity to sing alongside Pink and other pop artists.”

97 May Johnston

“I was homeless and lived in my car with my dog.”

98 Jay Parrino

“I’m an Italian who can’t cook and who doesn’t eat olives or tomatoes.”

99 Rose Farrell

“I’m the eldest of eight children.”

100 Rhys Tolhurst

“I was adopted at six weeks old.”

All Together Now airs Sunday, 7pm, on Channel Seven.

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