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All the week 8 living & dining room reveals shown on The Block 2024

The biggest room of the house.

Another big week on The Block saw the contestants once again pushed to their limits.

With a public holiday and a delay on their gyprock, this year’s Blockheads had a lot to do in very little time. So, how did they fare with their living and dining rooms? See their room reveals below.

This week, the pressure really hit the contestants and both Maddy and Kristian shed some tears, while Ricky and Haydn knuckled down after Scott Cam and Shelley Craft told them they needed to put in more work.

Couples Courtney and Grant, Kylie and Brad, and Kristian and Mimi also had quite a few drinks the night before Scotty called ‘tools down’, and it was a struggle for them to finish their rooms in time.

But what did the judges think? Continue scrolling to see all of the living and dining room reveals shown on week eight on The Block 2024.

(Credit: Nine)

Maddy & Charlotte

Coming off the back of a huge win for their guest ensuite last week, Maddy and Charlotte were feeling quietly confident going into week eight.

The girls got their plastering and painting finished first, and were also the first to complete their room.

The judges thought it was a warm and beautiful space and loved their colour palette and textural design choices.

“From kitchen week to living and dining, this feels like one cohesive, inviting homely, warm room,” Marty Fox said.

“Texturally, they’ve got it right. I love the big texture in the rug, then the smaller texture in the couch, then the beautiful texture in the timber, and we’ve got some marble which I think is quite beautiful,” Shaynna Blaze added.

However, the judges thought that overall the room felt a bit too safe, and that the styling let them down.

“I would like a little more drama, personally,” Darren Palmer said. 

Maddy and Charlotte received a total of 25.5 points out of 30 for their living and dining room this week.

(Credit: Nine)

Courtney & Grant

After a disappointing last place finish for their bathroom last week, Courtney and Grant wanted to pull out all the stops and really showcase their “Moditerranean” style.

The judges were more than impressed with the execution and styling of their living and dining room, and agreed that the couple had found their groove once again.

They particularly loved Courtney and Grant’s dining chairs, which were actually from Courtney’s business, The Lazy Stylist.

They suggested a few small tweaks, including the placement of the fireplace, but other than that were blown away by the room.

“It’s just exceptionally beautiful in terms of all the inclusions, all the decisions, all of that repetition of colour and shape. This feels consistent from bedroom to kitchen to living space. Aesthetically, I love every decision in here,” Darren said.

Courtney and Grant came second this week, and received 26.5 out of 30.

(Credit: Nine)

Ricky & Haydn

Still searching for that elusive win, Ricky and Haydn poured all of their time and effort into their living and dining room this week.

The judges thought the boys put in a good effort this week, and loved the size of the room. “This is a football oval!,” Shaynna joked.

However, they weren’t exactly ‘wowed’ by the room, and thought the way they styled the room felt very heavy on one side and very light on the other.

Some key parts of the room that the judges did love were the artwork that they won from a challenge earlier in the season, as well as their Velux skylights.

The judges awarded Ricky and Haydn with 25 out of 30 for their living and dining room in week eight.

(Credit: Nine)

Kylie & Brad

Kylie and Brad had the biggest living room on the block so the pressure was on for them to deliver, and boy did they ever.

The judges had nothing but good things to say, and Shaynna literally sang their praises.

From the colour palette to their custom Christian Cole table and the layout, the judges were amazed.

Marty Fox even went as far as to say it was his favourite room yet this season!

Kylie and Brad won easily this week, receiving a whopping 29.5 points! They were also given two tens – one from Shaynna and the other from Marty.

(Credit: Nine)

Kristian & Mimi

After an average result last week, Kristian and Mimi were hoping to bounce back to their fine form.

Unfortunately, the judges weren’t overly thrilled with what they produced.

The smaller space wasn’t the issue but rather the layout was where the judges, particularly Shaynna and Marty, felt Kristian and Mimi went wrong.

They thought they didn’t take advantage of the balcony and views, and that all of the furniture was facing the wrong direction.

“I am not coming to the beach for my whole lounge room to be built around a TV,” Shaynna said.

However, Darren was on Kristian and Mimi’s side and actually loved what they had done with the room.

“It’s nicely proportioned, I think it has a great outlook, I think it would function really beautifully for a holiday home, [and] I think the connection to that big outdoor space means that you’ve got ample living,” Darren said.

Kristian and Mimi sadly came last this week, with a score of 23.5 for their living and dining room.

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