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All the week 6 kitchen room reveals shown on The Block 2024

It’s crunch time.

Week six officially marks the half-way point of The Block, where the teams are well and truly in the thick of the competition.

This week, the contestants had to create one of the most important rooms of the house: the kitchen – and it didn’t come without its challenges.

The return of All Stars contestants Kyal and Kara really stirred the pot this week, as the departure of Maddy and Charlotte’s builder Zak left them scrambling to find a quick replacement. The pink team asked Kyal if he would be willing to join their team, but he couldn’t commit due to his home life. The remaining Blockheads all breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t be their competition!

Grant was once again caught up in a cheating scandal, with Foreman Dan accusing both him and Kristian of purposely over-ordering plaster and gyprock to give them an unfair advantage and help them out next week.

Continue scrolling to see all of the kitchen room reveals shown on week six of The Block 2024.

(Credit: Nine)

Maddy & Charlotte

Jesse and Paige designed and ordered almost everything for the kitchen in house one back in week two, so Sydney sisters Maddy and Charlotte had to take the reins and work with what they had.

Despite not being able to execute their own exact vision, they were able to make some tweaks and make it more in line with their personal coastal luxe style.

When the judges walked into the pink team’s kitchen, they immediately had smiles all over their faces, with Marty Fox exclaiming, “Wow. This is stunning.”

All three judges were blown away by the incredible benchtop and matching cupboards, and the extremely practical elements within the pantry.

Darren Palmer said the kitchen perfectly encapsulated the holiday house look and feel, and was effectively designed with entertainment in mind.

Shaynna Blaze loved how restrained and simple yet beautiful their styling choices were, especially their inclusion of native flowers, as it let the kitchen itself do the talking.

Overall, the judges were extremely impressed with Maddy and Charlotte’s kitchen in week six, awarding them 29 out of 30. They were even given a 10 by Darren!

(Credit: Nine)

Courtney & Grant

Courtney and Grant had high hopes for their ‘Moditerannean’ kitchen this week, and had their fingers crossed for a win.

Marty admired how “dramatic” the room was, and loved their attention to detail, especially in terms of practicality.

Shaynna noted that, “The talent in styling here is off the charts,” adding that the room felt warm and inviting.

Meanwhile, Darren couldn’t stop touching everything because of how beautiful and textural all the elements were.

However, Marty felt that the kitchen wasn’t cohesive with their ‘Moditerannean’ style which is present in their other rooms, and that it didn’t have the same level of sophistication that he’s come to expect from them. But Shaynna “couldn’t disagree more” with him.

Two out of the three judges were blown away by Courtney and Grant’s execution of their kitchen, and they were given a score of 27 out of 30.

(Credit: Nine)

Ricky & Haydn

The boys were after redemption this week following their unfinished master bedroom in week five.

Ricky and Haydn successfully completed their kitchen in line with their ‘modern coastal minimalist’ vision, and were really happy with how it turned out. 

Shaynna loved how coastal it felt and how it was very true to Phillip Island, and had some incredible details throughout. Meanwhile, Marty noted that the room was super big and perfect for entertaining.

However, although the kitchen ticked a lot of boxes, Shaynna wasn’t overly impressed with the styling choices and lack of functionality. 

“Everything is on top of each other – they’re all shoved together here in a major walkway,” she shared.

In the end, Ricky and Haydn received a score of 23 out of 30 from the judges.

(Credit: Nine)

Kylie & Brad

Kylie and Brad’s black kitchen was a chance for them to show the judges exactly what their vision for the home is.

As soon as Darren walked in, he immediately had a smile on his face and noted how “Tom Ford” the room felt. “This is moody and sexy,” he said, while Marty added, “It feels very expensive.”

The judges loved the materiality and the simplicity of the kitchen, and thought it perfectly aligned with what Kylie and Brad had been trying to do with their house since the start.

“The quality here is right up top level,” Shaynna said.

The judges gave Kylie and Brad 28.5 out of 30 for their kitchen, and they decided to use their point penguin which pushed them over the line to win the week!

(Credit: Nine)

Kristian & Mimi

Krisitan and Mimi won four of the first five weeks, so were hoping to continue their winning streak for their kitchen this week.

They loved their “Shrek”-esque room, which featured green and brown elements, and were hoping the judges would agree.

As soon as Darren walked in, he said, “Well, Kristian and Mimi don’t let us down, do they?” Shaynna echoed his sentiments, saying, “This is stunning.”

However, Marty wasn’t so sold on the kitchen, and was unsure about the green colour of the range hood and oven. But for Shaynna, the colour was perfect. 

Darren loved the room, saying, “I love it. It has not the most floor space that we’ve seen today, but probably the most storage. It has a really generous entertainment and dining bench, and it has a lot of drama to it as well.”

The judges may have been divided over Kristian and Mimi’s kitchen, but in the end they were given a score of 26.5 out of 30.

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