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The top 5 cringiest moments from the Bachelorette red carpet

Avert your eyes and cover your ears!
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Holy dooley! Ali Oetjen’s Bachelorette premiered on Wednesday evening was the most dramatic first episode ever!

While there was already a first kiss, rivals born and the clear front-runner to only be on the show for most Instagram followers, it was the EPIC red carpet that had tongues wagging and people covering their faces.

We look at the five cringiest red carpet arrivals and point out exactly what made them truly awkward.

Nathan, the party boy

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When Ali met Nathan Favro, 23, on the red carpet, you could tell she was a little bit suspicious and to be honest, she had every right to be.

Nathan, a self-confessed lover of parties, is clearly on here for the “bros”, the free grog and let’s face it – the Instagram followers – but of course, he claims he’s “in it for the right reasons.”

Cringiest bit: When he blatantly told Ali want she “wanted to hear”…

Best Quotes:

This entire exchange –

Nathan to producers: “I don’t really find the time to go and watch heaps of movies or anything like that, or just chill out,” he said. “I’m always on the go.”

Ali to Nathan: “Well I like to pick a really good movie…”

Nathan: “Love that!”

Ali: “Make a really nice dinner…”

Nathan: “Sounds good to me!”

Ali: “I love being out in nature…”

Nathan: “That’s awesome!”

Ali: “Hmm.”

Whether this was really good editing, or Nathan is simply telling her what she wants to hear, it was not good.

When Ali met Paddy

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Goodness gracious, Paddy.

Paddy, Paddy, Paddy.

When Ali met Paddy Collier, 27, on the red carpet, he was ready to woo her with his spectacular soccer skills.

Cringiest moment: It’s so hard to choose, but crikey, the terrible soccer skills are a good starting point.

Best Quotes:

Paddy: “So guess what! Obviously I played football in the UK… (pause for effect)”

Ali: “Ok, cool…”

Paddy: “So obviously you keep yourself in very good shape.”

Ali: “Thank you, yes…”

Paddy: “I obviously manage a gym.”

Ali: “Do you?”

Paddy: “There you go, there you go…”


Ivan’s “dance moves”

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What’s worse than cringey dance moves? Cringey dance moves to impress someone…with NO music.

Ivan Krslovic is a commercial painter by trade, however, in an interview with NW, the 29-year-old revealed that he was in fact a stripper and an actor.

So what did he do to woo Ali? DANCE of course!

Cringiest moment: When he danced to silence.

Best Quotes:

Ali to the Producers: “He’s like righto, I got this…”

Ali to Ivan: “Thanks for the dance!”

Ivan: “That’s OK.”

Todd’s squeaky suit

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The editing for Todd King’s entrance into the bachelor limo far outweighed his exchange with Ali.

The 26 year-old-sales rep chose to wear a plastic “knight in shining armour” suit and props to the editors, because it was hilarious!

Cringiest Moment: Every time Todd’s suit squeaked. It wasn’t that cringey – but it was great.

Oh and this (see picture below):

Bill’s “confession”

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Bill Goldsmith, the 31-year-old front runner from last night’s episode may have gotten the first kiss of the season, however, he also had possibly the most awkward and controversial comment of the show.

Cringiest Moment: When there was build up surrounding the fact that his birth name was actually “David” and not “Bill”.

While we know that he was super nervous, making a big deal out a name change and Ali’s subsequent comments, have infuriated audiences.

Best/Worst Quotes:

Bill to Ali: “Ever since I can remember, I was known as Bill.”

Ali to the producers: “He’s not a woman! Tick!” Ali said, laughing hysterically.

This was one of the many comments from the show that had fans going bananas on Twitter.

Here are some of the best Twitter reactions from the first episode!


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