They’ve been one of the strongest couples on the show from the get-go and tonight Lisa Hyde and Luke McLeod left Paradise together in a shock romantic exit – to try and make things work in the real world.
Sadly, things didn’t work out that way.
Here, Lisa chats with us about her break-up with Luke, her thoughts on Michael and her experience on the Bachelor.
Lisa talk me through your decision to leave the show?
Luke and I were in a really good position.
We both lived in Sydney and we both had daily routines that we needed to get back to – so we decided to leave. It was more so my decision.
An opportunity came through with work, and when you’re on the Island, you don’t have any connection to your mobile. It’s hard because you’re kind of disconnected from everything, I couldn’t stay.
In saying that, you know when you like someone and sitting around drinking daiquiris and chit-chatting with people doesn’t confirm anything.
Luke and I spent every day together for three-weeks, and we were very sure.
You’d been living in this BIP bubble – do you think you both were ready for the real world?
People think that it’s kind of like this prison and you can’t get out of it. I’m a very logical person, and I was more interested to see how we were going to go in the real world, not in fairyland drinking cocktails. We had more of a chance surviving outside.
I’m 31. I’m really looking for someone and Luke ticked all my boxes.
You may be aware, there have been reports that Luke cheated on you. Can you tell me your side of the story?
Since leaving the show, we did date for several months. We got to know each other, we spent a lot of time together, and we’ve recently broken up.
Unfortunately the trust was lost, and I respect myself a little bit too much to let somebody walk all over me like that, so we separated.
We have spoken since and are on talking terms.
It was unexpected and not the outcome that I wanted, but the right man is out there for me.
I met his family, and he met my family, we got along really well.
I think mistakes happen, people have to live with those consequences and Luke is responsible for his actions.
It is what is – you can’t really explain it anymore.
You and Michael have a beautiful connection. How hard was it knowing he wanted more and you couldn’t give that to him?
Michael and I got along really well.
Luke, Michael and I, we’re probably the more mature of the group; we’re a little bit older than everyone.
I think Michael saw that I was ready to meet someone, he confided in me and found that we were on the most similar terms.
Do you think it was a good or bad thing when he gave you the rose
When he offered me the rose I accepted because that’s what we’re here for, I think it was quite courageous.
Luke got it, we all got it – you may not see it on TV but we all understood what was going on and to be honest and I didn’t want to say no and let Michael leave.
Are you guys still friends?
We’ve got a really good friendship, and we’ve spoken since we left the Island. I think he’s going to meet someone really special.
He’s just a very likeable guy.
What’s your relationship status at the moment?
I’m single.
Are you happy with your BIP experience?
Yeah, I am. You’ve just got to be proud of yourself, and you learn and grow from everything.
Even watching when I did the Bachelor, I learnt from that a lot, and I grew as a person, and that’s what I’m going to take out of this one as well.

“Even watching when I did the Bachelor, I learnt from that a lot, and I grew as a person, and that’s what I’m going to take out of this one as well.
Do you think people can find real love on the show?
I know you can.
Luke and I had something special, but there was a mistake. There comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself and say – ‘you know what? No!’
What did you prefer Bachie or BIP?
They’re so different – that’s a really, really tough question.
I think I liked the environment of being more naive about how everything works, like in the Bachelor. I loved that we had this really solid group of girls and that dates were a lot more extravagant.
Bachelor in Paradise was a more realistic way to meet someone; you have a lot more time with each person.
I think I’m going to go with the Bachelor.
Look, on both shows I met a douche bag – so what do you go with? Go with the extravagant dates!
Are you still mates with Sam Frost – have you spoken since the show?
We send a nice text every now and again.
I think my most recent one from her was a couple of months ago, just a nice hello message which was really lovely. I’m so happy for her and I think she’s doing really well with where she’s at.
**Have Blake or Louise ever tried to get in contact after everything??
No – I haven’t heard from them