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Who wins The Bachelorette Australia 2018? Ali’s final eight suitors reveal all

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Who will be Ali Oetjen’s Prince Charming? Her final eight suitors reveal all in an exclusive interview with TV WEEK.


Taite wants kids in the next two years .

Like Ali Oetjen (right), Melbourne bank manager Taite, 28, dreams of a happy ever after.

“I want marriage and kids for sure,” he tells TV WEEK. “I’ve always had that by the time I’m 30, I want kids.”

And despite having starred on First Dates last year, as well as having applied for Love Island Australia before meeting Ali on The Bachelorette Australia, Taite insists he’s not after fame.

“I’ve got a good job and I’m settled in my career,” he says.

“I’m not worried about raising my profile.”

That said, if he doesn’t find love with Ali, Taite hasn’t ruled out a stint on Bachelor In Paradise.

“The only thing holding me back is work – I don’t think they’ll give me any more time off,” he laughs.


Daniel has question marks over Ali.

Daniel has pretty clear views on Ali’s love life, being that she’s been engaged and has appeared on two other Bachelor shows.

“There are definitely question marks above her head that we want answers to,” the Melbourne personal trainer tells TV WEEK.

But that hasn’t deterred him from getting close to the Bachelorette, despite being a little gun-shy in the past.

In the navy for three years, Daniel was reluctant to enter into long-term relationships, but now he’s back on dry land, he’s keen to make up for lost time.

“I’m a little behind on my timeline,” he admits.

“I wanted to be engaged by 30 and I’m 30 now, so there’s pressure to get moving.”

Could that be with Ali?

“She’s gorgeous, outgoing and ticks all the boxes for me,” he says.


Paddy says he has a soft side.

Paddy cemented himself as one of the biggest personalities in the mansion when he confronted Nathan in the first rose ceremony.

Since then, he’s provided us with lots of laughs too – but there’s a softer side to the gym manager.

“I had a client back in the UK who tried to commit suicide multiple times,” Paddy, 28, reveals to TV WEEK.

“It was pretty bad, but I took her under my wing. It was one of the biggest challenges, but the satisfaction of helping her and improving her self-confidence changed me as a person.

“I always put people before myself and it’s stuffed me up in the past, but it’s who I am. That’s why I’m here.”

And how does Paddy feel about Ali?

“I do feel there’s a connection there,” he says.


Bills says he wouldn’t want to date Charlie.

Charlie has been out to prove Bill isn’t the right man for Ali. But the tables will turn this week when Ali sees another side to “Mr Perfect”.

“Charlie is very controlling,” Bill, 31, tells TV WEEK. “I wouldn’t want to date him.”

The mechanical plumber also thinks it’s rich Charlie has said Bill is “hiding something” after it was recently revealed Charlie had a child from a former relationship.

“That’s what someone who’s hiding something does: accuses someone else of the same thing,” Bill says.

“None of the boys knew, and I can’t imagine it’ll sit too well with Ali.”

This week, show host Osher Günsberg has to intervene when things turn physical during an explosive group date.

“I’m not one to get into a physical confrontation,” Bill explains.

“But if it starts to go that way, I’ll try to defuse the situation or walk away.”


Charlie says he hasn’t ruled out the idea of proposing to Ali.

The alpha male of the Bachie boys, Charlie was the first to score a date with Ali and has had reason to feel a little smug.

But the Sydney builder has had his share of heartache too.

His father, a paraplegic, died three years ago, just after Charlie had broken up with his fiancée.

“He was my best mate, we were extremely close,” Charlie, 31, tells TV WEEK. “I’m the person I am today because of him.”

He says those kind of life-changing events “toughen you and make you appreciate life when things go well”.

And Charlie is confident things are going well with Ali ‒ so much so, he wouldn’t shy away from proposing if he turns out to be the last man standing.

“If the moment was right and the mutual feelings were there, I could go in all guns blazing,” he says.


Todd reveals his ex told him to apply for The Bachelorette Australia.

Applying to find love on a reality show is no easy decision, but Todd had one surprising supporter push him over the line – his ex.

After the initial heartbreak following their break-up, the pair were able to rekindle a friendship.

“We had quite a tough break-up,” Todd, 26, tells TV WEEK.

“It was a few months before we could get back in touch, but we started to develop a really good friendship.”

In fact, it was her idea that the knight in shining armour apply for The Bachelorette Australia.

“She said, ‘You know, it’s been quite a while since you’ve put yourself out there. Why don’t you give something spontaneous a go?'” he explains.

However, Todd’s other friends weren’t so sure.

“They didn’t really believe you could fall in love on reality TV,” the sales rep says.

“And I was on the same train of thought.”

But having met Ali, Todd’s opinion has quickly shifted.

“I’ve now very quickly realised that it’s completely possible,” he says.


Robert says he’s not madly in love – yet!

Robert admits that, for a tradie, he’s a contradiction.

“I don’t like sport,” the 30-year-old tells TV WEEK.

“I like music, theatre, creativity and the arts. And I love food.”

Judging by Ali’s pash fest with the plumber, something’s piquing her interest.

Unlike the Bachelorette, though, Robert’s not one to fall in love easily.

“I can’t say, ‘Oh, I’m madly in love with you.’ I’ve only spent so much time with her and I’m also practical,” he explains.

“I’m still working her out. I’m not here to say, ‘She needs to fall in love with me’ – I need to fall in love with her too. I need to get to the crux of her.”


Dan is focused on Ali, not the drama in the house.

The Bachelorette Australia mansion may seem far removed from life on the farm, but for country charmer Dan, the drama of the house is all too familiar.

Having spent his formative years at boarding school, the sports reporter says living with his fellow bachelors is like being 15 again.

“I lived with a lot of boys and grew up with a lot of boys,” Dan, 32, tells TV WEEK.

“I relished a bit of the nostalgia.”

However, given the close living quarters, he tries to avoid the tempers and egos.

“Everyone’s had their moments,” he says.

“I’m pretty keen to stay out of other people’s battles.”

Instead, Dan has tried to keep his focus on Ali. But time with the Bachelorette has been hard to come by in the mansion.

“At this point, we probably haven’t built as deep a connection as I would have liked,” he admits.

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