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BLOCK EXCLUSIVE: The shock arrest no one saw coming

In a dramatic twist, two labourers are handcuffed and walked off set – for good!
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Just when we thought The Block couldn’t throw us any more curveballs, the police show up on site to make two arrests.

Work comes to a standstill when two labourers are arrested for stealing Norm and Jess’ credit card and racking up expenses to the tune of almost $1000.

“We were blindsided,” says Jess.

“We knew those guys and had invited them into our apartment, fed them, sang them happy birthday and gave them beers.”

Parents-of-two Jess and Norm are crowd favourites on The Block.

CCTV footage showed the pair had gone on a bit of a shopping spree (which included buying charcoal chicken, petrol and fish hooks) at Jess and Norm’s expense.

“When we found out it was them, no one on the entire worksite could believe it; they were the last people we’d have thought swiped our credit card,” explains Jess. “We felt tricked.”

READ MORE: The Block‘s Jess and Norm’s secret heartache.

One of the labourers was convicted of credit card fraud and deported, while the other was released. Luckily, Suncorp returned the money to Jess and Norm.

“They looked devastated [when they were handcuffed]. Was it really worth it for some wine and chicken?” asks Jess.

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It’s yet another blow for the lovable battlers. After two days of tears and tantrums, the couple have to move their fireplace this week. Installing it the first time almost broke Norm, and now he’s pushed to breaking point as he faces an even bigger job – and costs of a whopping $12,000.

Being on The Block has taken its toll on the couple in other ways too. Jess and Norm insist the time apart from their kids, Freddie, four and Matilda, 21 months, will be worth it if it gives them the financial security they crave.

“We’re not special,” Jess, 33, told TV WEEK.

“Every family in Australia would love to be in that position. But if we do well on The Block, we’ll get to do more together.”

WATCH: Block favourites Jess and Norm wow the judges with their plastic bathtub.

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