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EXCLUSIVE: “We’re DONE!” The Block contestants threaten to quit over Jimmy and Tam’s winning streak

''We’ve lost the drive to even try to compete!''
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When Queenslanders Jimmy and Tam first started winning rooms and challenges on The Block, their fellow Blockheads sportingly cheered on their success.

But as the weeks go on and the married couple keep taking home the cash, the cheers are starting to fade.

“It just seems to be Jimmy and Tam at it again, winning money!” Harry, 57, tells TV WEEK.

“To be honest, every time a challenge is on, we feel as if, ‘Why bother? We’re not going to win.’ So we’ve lost the drive to even try to compete!”

It reaches breaking point for houses one and two this week when Jimmy and Tam follow up another winning room with a challenge victory.

Harry’s struggling to stay motivated.

(Channel Nine)

With the pressures of front garden week taking their toll, Harry, Tash, Sarah and George gather for a quiet meal away from the other contestants. They wonder if there’s any point even turning up for the next contest.

“It was so skewed because they’re so competitive,” Harry says. “You just sort of think, ‘Why waste our time?’

“You feel like you’re not going to win and you come out with nothing. It’s a lost day.”

Jimmy & Tam are on a streak.

(Channel Nine)

A big part of the frustration, Tash, 32, admits, is that five weeks back from the site being locked down amid the coronavirus pandemic, any little setback is starting to feel much worse without the support of the friends and family they haven’t seen for so long.

“By this stage, everyone is missing someone,” she says. “Parents are missing their kids, Sarah and George are missing their family, Dad’s missing Mum, and I really miss my partner Brad.

“He’s the person I go home to every single night; he’s my biggest support on a day-to-day basis.”

Sarah and George are missing home for little reward.

(Channel Nine)

“At this end of the competition, we’re really starting to feel quite flat and all we really want is to have our main everyday support person there.

“To get shot down again, you just want to go home and sit with your partner and wash the day off. But unfortunately you can’t.”

But although everyone is missing their loved ones, at least they have each other, Tash says.

“We’ve become really close to Sarah and George,” she tells. “They’re our little support system, our little Block family!”

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