Reality TV

Irena Srbinovska WINS The Bachelor Australia for 2020 in tantalising finale

After the show's most unique season to date, Locky has made his final decision.
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After what can only be described as one of The Bachelor Australia’s most unique seasons to date, Locky Gilbert has chosen his winner.

In a finale that was so far fuelled with emotion we’re surprised he could still form words by the end, the Bachelor has chosen Irena Srbinovska as keeper of his final rose.

The decision was not one he landed on lightly.

In the lead up to the finale, Locky told both ladies, Bella Varelis and Irena Srbinovska that he was falling in love with them – a feat that’s never been seen to this extent in Aussie Bachelor history.

With Irena pegged as the ultimate frontrunner, it was no less surprising to hear him also tell Bella he was feeling this strongly for her.

Just before the announcement, Locky told the cameras: “I still have no idea what I want to do. I keep going back and forth back and forth thinking which future do I want? And they both look bloody amazing.”

He continued: “I don’t want to sounds selfish but I want to choose the future I can be the best me, so I can be the best for them.”

And then, the clanger: “You don’t break up with someone that you love.”

Locky revealed he was in love with both women.

(Network Ten)

That said, there was no denying when Locky revealed he had eventually picked Irena Srbinovska, his choice was so plainly obvious.

As she awaited his words in the final moments of the episode, Locky told her: “When I think about our future together, I’m so excited and I can’t wait to just travel the world and make all your dreams come true. Irena… I’m so in love with you and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He then gave her a stunning commitment ring from Larsen Jewellery, believed to be worth around $30,000.

Yep, we saw the two strike an instant connection from the moment they met on the red carpet, and soon after when she pulled out a stethoscope to measure his heartbeat, and the rest, as they say, was history.

Locky and Irena’s connection was instant.

(Network Ten)

And it’s also been confirmed both Locky and his winner are still blissfully together.

In an interview with Now To Love shortly before the show went to air, Locky revealed how deeply he felt for Irena.

“It’s an amazing feeling,” he told us.

“I don’t think I’ve felt love like this before. I wake every morning and the love is stronger and stronger.”

Locky’s turmoil was real when choosing between the two women, but he eventually chose Irena.

(Network Ten)

And it looks like these two really are for keeps.

“I can see so far into the future. It looks good…,” Locky added.

WATCH: See the The Bachelor‘s bubble bath Zoom date. Story continues…

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This season saw its fair share of tumbles and triumphs, both in love and life.

In a Bachelor first, cast and crew were forced to improvise a little when the world went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead of intimate one-on-one dates and rough n’ tumble group dates, fans watched as the women and Locky delved into the world of virtual dating, sharing Zoom calls and text messaging as they each isolated in their own homes.

The series took a turn when everyone went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Network Ten)

The Love in Lockdown episode’s saw Locky and the winner grow even closer, with the winning Bachelorette previously revealing how much she’d felt her connection to Locky grow within the confines of lockdown, despite being physically separated.

But now, it looks like these two will be reunited for the forseeable future.

And that, folks, wraps up a whirlwind journey that hopefully marks the beginning of a much, much greater one. Stay tuned.

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