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EXCLUSIVE: During her time on The Bachelor, Areeba was brimming with confidence, but she hasn’t always been like that

''I didn't know anything or anyone, this world was so new to me.''
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Ask anyone who’s watched the current season of The Bachelor Australia and they’ll likely know exactly who Areeba Emmanuel is.

Areeba, who narrowly missed making it into Locky Gilbert’s top 10 chosen women, will likely be remembered in the Bachie hall of fame for a while to come – and you don’t have to look far to know why.

From the moment she stepped on screen, Areeba made sure she stood out.

Describing herself as a self-titled “boss gal”, the 25-year-old’s own introduction on the show summed her up: “I’m a boss at work, a boss at home and I’m a boss with my relationships”, she explained.

And as her episodes went to air, there was definitely no arguing with that.

Areeba quickly established herself as the season’s ‘villain’.

(Network Ten)

Of course, someone always gets the villain edit in Bachie-land. It is a reality TV show after all.

Areeba was the bullseye on that front. Her brutal remarks about reigning over the other contenders, as well as her well-established girl gang was case in point.

But when Now To Love spoke to Areeba after her elimination in the seventh episode, we got something more than we bargained for – another side to the ever confident Areeba – the side we didn’t see on the show.

It might strike some as a surprise, but the real estate expert hasn’t always had the confidence she so easily projects on national TV.

We chatted to her about how that all came about and what she now thinks of her time in the mansion.

Areeba left a lasting impression on Locky… and the Australian pubic.

(Network Ten)

Now To Love: Areeba! What a whirlwind you’ve had on The Bachelor. How are you feeling now you’re all done?

Areeba: It was crazy, it happened five months ago, but watching it back you feel like you’re reliving it.

How do you feel about your final cut? Do you think it was an accurate portrayal?

Well, I knew that going into the show I’d probably be the hated one! But it’s so crazy, because I’m getting so much love from everybody now [after the episodes aired]. That really surprised me a little.

Really! So what are people saying to you now?

It’s actually crazy to see how so many young girls are inspired by my confidence and how I go for what I want.

I’ve had so many messages asking for advice. People telling me they’re inspired by me.

I actually love that I’ve shared a positive message. I’m glad to have been a person to inspire other girls and not care about what anyone has to say. Just to be confident in themselves.

Areeba’s confidence hasn’t come from nothing.


Where does all that confidence come from?

Well it wasn’t always like that – I was born in Pakistan and came here as a young child at eight or nine years old. Not knowing anyone or anything here made everything a whole new world.

My parents didn’t speak English and I couldn’t speak the language properly. That really kind of stuck out, I really didn’t feel confident then.

When I was 16 or 17 that started to change. I used to think I wasn’t good enough for anybody, but then I realised if you want anything in life you have to work hard for it. And I realised just because I looked different, that makes me unique.

Then I got my first job ever, and that built up my confidence as well.

I always want to be the best at whatever I do. That gives you a lot of strength and confidence.

And yes, sometimes you get bad comments and bad things said to you, but back then I thought to myself ‘I could cry, or I can get up and show them how it is.’

That’s amazing, we love to see it. Now given your time on the show and what you’ve learnt from it, can you tell us what’s next?

Well, going into the show I didn’t think about what I’d do after, I just went in for the experience. But I feel like I want to be out there for anyone who lacks confidence or needs any kind of advice. I’m happy to give my advice and point of view on things.

WATCH: Areeba interrupts Zoe-Clare with Locky. Story continues…

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What surprised you the most when it came to filming?

Well, a lot of people would say that the show is all pre-planned, like ‘Oh the producer made me say it’, but the biggest surprise was actually realising that it was reality TV.

We genuinely had no idea who Locky was. So the first time I ever met him was when I got out of that car. They don’t tell you anything. It can be quite annoying, actually.

Interesting! And can you tell us who you still speak to from the show?

My girls were my favourites in the mansion – Juliette and Kristina. I still speak to them every day.

No surprises there. And finally, who do you think had the most genuine connection with Locky?

I didn’t really get to spend that much time with the girls, but if I had to pick I think it’d be Irena.

I wouldn’t say she’s my favourite, but she’s definitely someone that has a genuine connection with Locky.

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