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Survivor’s Shaun Hampson on that epic tribe swap: ‘David should be scared!’

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They say revenge is a dish best served cold, so skip the rice and beans because something else is on the menu this week on Survivor.

On Sunday night, the Contenders were expecting to vote someone off but instead, the Champions team not only sat in on their tribal council but also pinched Shaun Hampson to join them. And that can only mean one thing: a showdown between Shaun and David, who is still unaware that Shaun knows of his fake immunity idol switch.

We caught up with Shaun who revealed what we can expect now he’s in the Champions tribe plus, who’s behind his nickname of “The Horse”.

TV WEEK: Shaun, what a twist! What was the atmosphere at tribal like when Jonathan dropped that bombshell?

Shaun: It was a shock for everyone, we had no idea. We had an inkling that something was up and they [the Champions] were there for a reason. Last year when the other tribe came to watch they had the chance to save somebody who’d been voted out so we thought it might be something like that but I don’t think anybody knew it was going to be a complete steal so everyone was in shock.

I was quietly hoping it would be me because I was in the minority at my new camp so I was really hoping it would be me but I was a little bit unsure.

TV WEEK: Was it a big surprise for you when you were chosen to join the Champions?

Shaun: I’m tight with Daisy, John, Baden and Andy so I was glad to be chosen, I would have been a bit upset if they didn’t! But it was a relief, kind of like a new lease on life began.

Being on the new Champions tribe has given Shaun a new lease on life in the game.

(Image: Network Ten)

TV WEEK: And of course you’ll be on the same team as David who swapped you that fake immunity idol in return for a real one. Should he be scared?

Shaun: I think he should definitely be scared. When the trade happened and the Champions chose to take me, it really wasn’t on my mind, that chance to get him but when I got back to my new camp and the dust had settled I thought to myself, “Right, this is an opportunity in the game to take out somebody that can’t be trusted and someone that’s wronged me.”

TV WEEK: What was your first thought when you unwrapped David’s “idol” and realised you’d been stitched up?

Shaun: I realised that I’d been stitched up when they told me because I knew they’d have no reason to make that up. All I had to do was have a look at it and see for myself.

It’s pretty deflating, you straight away start thinking “What have I done?” but at the time I’m thinking this is a study for why on earth would anybody swap a fake idol for a real idol. Surely it’s going to come out eventually and you’ll have made an enemy. But at the same time he did get a real idol so it’s a good move but yeah, he’s made an enemy.

After trying to trick him with a fake idol, Shaun says David should be scared.

(Image: Network Ten)

TV WEEK: Janine was one of the people who told you that David’s idol was a fake and everyone was calling her The Godfather/Godmother at tribal. Do you think she’s running the show and is one to watch?

Shaun: I think so. You’ve seen from previous episodes and tribal councils just how well she speaks. She’s taken complete control of tribal councils before, it’s what she does for a living, she deals with people in a leadership role in her career. It’s what she does well, to convince people to go with what she says. And on top of that she’s physically a worthy competitor and socially she’s really great too, everybody loves Janine.

She’s a big threat going forward and she definitely has a thing with the old Champions I think so we’ve really got to watch her going forward.

TV WEEK: And with that alliance with Abbey and Pia, they’re a trio to watch.

Shaun:I could sort of tell even from my first night that these three are really tight and they’re really careful with the information they share so they’re a powerful tribe.

Shaun says Janine is one to watch as the game continues.

(Image: Network Ten)

TV WEEK: You and Daisy are pretty tight but who else were you happy to be reunited with in the new Champions tribe?

Shaun: All the old Contenders, mainly Daisy, John, Baden and Andy. From the last couple of vote outs, I’ve got no idea at this stage what’s happened in camp and why David and Luke are still there so going into the camp I’ve got to learn what’s been going on because in my mind it was a simple vote to get rid of one of those guys out so I’m looking forward to finding out what happened while I was gone.

The Contenders over there are my tightest alliance from my original tribe so it’s good to be back with everyone.

TV WEEK: You said you were in the minority at your old tribe but was there anyone that you were sad to leave behind?

Shaun: They’re all really good people, I got on really well with Harry, Matt, Casey but I didn’t have bad blood with anyone, even the Champions. Simon Black is one of the nicest guys on the planet, I really got on well with Janine, Pia and Abbey and Ross is just so much fun to be around as well.

I wasn’t looking forward to get out of there because I didn’t like some of the people, it was instinctively because I am one of the old Contenders and we’re down on numbers and it’s only a matter of time before I go so it was purely, I guess, from a game point of view that I was happy I was out of there.

Bring on another Adonis versus Adonis rumble!

(Image: Network Ten)

TV WEEK: Your nickname “The Horse” has become quite the thing. Was that something you’ve been called before or did someone on the show make it up?

Shaun: I’ve never been called that before! They started saying “The Horse” and I was like, “What are you talking about?” I think it was when I was taken to burgers in one of the earlier episodes and it was either Ross or Luke from memory but it really stuck after that point.

TV WEEK: We know your fiancee Megan Gale has been watching you on the show, she must be your biggest fan!

Shaun: Megan knows my end result but that’s about all she knows, she knows as much as anybody else. She’s wanted to know, sometimes tries to get stuff out of me but I think she appreciates the fact that she doesn’t know what’s going on or what’s going to happen so it’s been really fun for her and to be able to watch that with her. She’s going in completely unknown.

WATCH: Megan Gale watches partner Shaun Hampson on Australian Survivor. Post continues after video…

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TV WEEK: And what about the kids? Are they interested?

Shaun: My five year-old, we thought he wouldn’t really get the concept of what’s going on but he likes watching the challenges, we’ll record it and let him watch the challenge parts the day after.

It’s nice, he’s too young to remember me playing football or anything on TV, now he can see cool physical challenges and stuff like that and he’s old enough to even remember it so that’s the most enjoyable part I think.

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