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Survivor star exposes brutal reality of show

''You can always tell a lot about the pecking order of the tribe by the sleeping arrangements.''
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Survivor Heroes vs Villains star Simon Mee has taken to Twitter to blast the brutal reality of the show, and what it was really like being on the bottom of his tribe for the majority of the game.

The returnee player first appeared on our screens in 2021’s Brains vs Brawns before being brilliantly blindsided by allies Dani and Chelsea, making history in the process as the first player in Australian Survivor history to go home with not one, but TWO hidden immunity idols in his pocket.

So infamous was elimination that players who have had their torches snuffed in the 2022 and 2023 seasons with idols in their pockets have made comments to the camera like ”it seems I’ve pulled a Simon.”

18 months later Simon returned not to the Queensland outback, but the tropics of Samoa, with a number of his former Brains vs Brawns competitors, including ‘King’ George Mladenov who was also part of his brutal blindside.

Not everything was as it seemed.

(IMAGE: Twitter)

But unfortunately for Simon, this new season of Survivor hasn’t been smooth sailing, with the apprentice carpenter finding himself drawing the short end of the stick in his battle against George which has left him without any many friends, and even less allies on his tribe.

After an episode aired this week which showed a scene of the usually mild-mannered pilot Gerry Geltch angrily chastising Simon about where he’d placed the tribe’s firewood, viewers weren’t given the full picture according to a number of now deleted tweets made by Simon.

”You can always tell a lot about the pecking order of the tribe by the sleeping arrangements,” Simon wrote.

”Gerry slept in the middle of the shelter with the blanket [won during a rewards challenge] every night.

”But when he collected firewood, he stacked it down the end of the shelter which also happened to be my bed.”

Poor Simon has been sleeping rough.

(IMAGE: Ten)

In a follow up tweet, Simon then elaborated further, revealing that anytime he wanted to make space for himself in his designated space on the outer rim of the shelter, he would have to move the firewood.

Whilst the tweets exposed the brutal reality of Survivor where players are left to fend for themselves against the elements, hunger and even the local wildlife (in this season’s case there were lots of crabs), it’s no shock that Simon has been sleeping on the outer edges of his tribe’s shelter considering he has been on the bottom of the tribe for a while now.

Poor Simon, here’s hoping he gets a decent night’s sleep this season soon!

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