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“I’m the bridesmaid again!” Shannon Noll on being the ultimate underdog

Nollsie is taking defeat the second time around like a bloody champ - and we love him for it!
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It’s a case of history repeating itself as Shannon Noll steps up to the second place podium on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!, 15 years after Guy Sebastian “robbed” him of the Australian Idol crown.

It’s an incredible twist in a story that has already cemented itself in Aussie folklore.

But in this exclusive exit chat, Shannon Noll proves there’s no hard feelings as he talks to Now to Love about why Fiona O’Loughlin is the rightful winner, what he’s got planned next and why the jungle taught him the most important life lesson.

READ MORE: Fiona O’Loughlin is turning Ron and Brenda into a sitcom

Nollsie, second again – how does it feel to become Australia’s ultimate runner-up?

Mate, at the end of the day Fi did a great job getting through the whole process. It was bloody tough!

Coming second to Fi, I was really proud. By the time it was down to three, I knew I was going to be there for the full duration so I was really proud of that fact.

Even though first would have been alright, I’m the bridesmaid again but it’s all good.

You were so gracious when you congratulated Fiona, do you think it’s a good lesson to show it’s not all about winning?

Oh most definitely! And John Edwards pledge to us [to give the runner-up’s charity $10, 000) was amazing. I think that was a great thing for him to do and an awesome gesture.

And just getting through it was a win for me and like I said, Fi’s been through so much in her life so I’m really, really stoked that she took it out to be honest.

Nollsie will forever be Australia’s ultimate under dog.

Have you managed to get a look at any of the hilarious memes circulating about you?

I bet there is! But not yet, we had an after party last night and media so I was on the dog and bone for most of last night, I’ll most likely catch up with it when I get home and make the most of this beautiful country side and take the kids out for a bit of a safari.

But I’m sure there’s memes aplenty at the moment!

What did you think of Guy Sebastian when he trolled you in that hilarious video message last night?

Yeah, I was really thankful for the support. Nah, nah I’m just joking!

Guy and I have got a great relationship. We can take a joke, give a joke. It’s all good mate. I can take a ribbing from him.

Would you ever give the people what they want and do a duet with Guy?

I’d love to! Guy’s an amazing talent. We were actually writing a song together when we were rehearsing for Idol.

I’d be definitely up for it. He’s an amazing singer and songwriter.

Gracious in defeat: The 42-year-old says Fiona was the rightful winner.

How were the celebrations last night, were there any shooeys?

No actually! I didn’t even think about it [laughs]. I was in a bit of a head-spin last night to be out of that bloody camp so I’ll save the shooey for when I get back, I don’t know what the South African people would think of one?

We read some pretty X-rated quotes about being away from your wife Rochelle for six weeks today, did you guys have a nice reunion last night?

Haha! There wasn’t a lot of privacy in the camp…

We had some time away from the kids last night and it was great. It’s great to be back with the family mate!

I’ve missed the children so much. The next few days will be about catching up with the kids.

There’s a push for you to be PM, would you actually ever consider getting into politics?

I definitely would be interested in doing something… anything I can do to give the average Australian bit more of a go who are getting the rough end of the pineapple.

Something needs to be done, people leave on the middle class a bit too much. If I could help in some way, I’d be interested in doing it.

I’d need to be a bit more educated in politics than I am right now but never say never!

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Your Facebook fans are hilarious, do you stay across their comments and the phenomenon that has become your page?

It’s very funny and great that people are having a laugh. Some people go onto my page when they’re stuck at airports for a bit of a giggle, if I can provide them with that it’s great.

No one takes it seriously and it’s quite fun to read! I don’t know who I’ve borrowed anything off but it seems to happen regularly.

What have you got planned for the rest of 2018?

I dropped an album while I was in camp on the second of February.

I didn’t know how it was going which was hard and I’ll be touring off the back of that.

But the album is going great guns and the shows are selling really well.

What was the best thing to come out of the whole experience?

I got a stocktake on life. You have a bit of time to make sure you can carve out some quality time with your family.

I got a bit of a reality check in that sense and I’m focusing on that from now on.

I don’t want to waste any more time with the family, the kids grow up so fast.

That’s what I’m going to take out of it and hopefully in 20 years’ time, I’ve taken more time.

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