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Survivor’s Sarah Marschke says she was ”totally blindsided” when her torch was snuffed

''When I was watching my elimination episode I was in utter shock, I even shed a few tears.''
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Beauty queen Sarah Marschke is the latest to have her torched snuffed on Survivor Heroes vs Villains, telling TV Week that she was ”totally blindsided” to be given the boot so early in the game.

The blonde bombshell describes watching her Survivor experience play out months later on national television as ”bizarre”, explaining that given the delay between filming and the show premiering, she had actually forgotten just how everything had played out.

”When I was watching my elimination episode I was in utter shock, I even shed a few tears” Sarah admitted.

”I didn’t realise how close some of the villain players were, they had best friends [like Shonee and Liz and Jordie and Simon], that they had all these alliances. I thought that being in the background, being friends with everyone would keep me safe but at the end of the day that made me untrustworthy and they [the villains tribe] didn’t know where I stood with their trust.

”I thought I was included in a few of those alliances but watching the episode it became very clear that there was actually quite a lot that went on without me and I had absolutely no idea.”

Sarah is no stanger to the spotlight.

(IMAGE: Ten)

So how exactly did Sarah get blindsided so easily? Considering prior to tribal council she thought she was in the majority, before realizing (too late} that the majority were in fact writing her name down.

Well, according to Sarah, the villains tribe were ”really sneaky.”

”Everyone was just so good at changing the subject. The beach is extremely small so when they [other contestants] would see you having private conversations they’d walk over and you’d have to change the subject and start talking about the surf, or what they were going to eat or what the challenge was like that day.”

And what of her ill-fated friendships with both George and Simon? Both fuelled by vengeance and a strong desire to snuff the other’s torch first.

”They [George and Simon] didn’t like that I built a relationship with them both, that I was a bit of a swinger.

”It was a big shock to me [being voted out], I thought that by becoming close with two of the big dogs I’d be safe but at the end of the day that backfired. They just didn’t know if they could trust me.”

Getting down to business.

(IMAGE: Ten)

And what of the hardest challenges she faced in the game?

‘Not having my eight-step skincare routine, or having my shower twice and day and washing my hair,” Sarah jokes.

To her credit though, Sarah did make do with what she had available to her.

”We did this mud challenge where afterwards I was scrubbing my skin to exfoliate and every morning and night, I’d wash my face with the salt water.”

”I even exfoliated my armpits with sand and actually managed to cut the palms of a tree leaf to brush my teeth with that, so surprisingly I kept my teeth really white throughout the filming.”

Sarah took advantage of a rather muddy challenge.

(IMAGE: Ten)

When pushed on who her money is on to take the title of sole Survivor, Sarah said that she still thought it was ”anyone’s game.”

”I’m just sitting on the sidelines at the moment hoping that someone in the villains tribe can take home that survivor trophy!”

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