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EXCLUSIVE: The horrifying real reason reality stars REFUSE to use their shows’ psychologists

From Sarah Roza to Elora Murger - reality stars lift the lid on why they're too scared to ask for help.
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It’s no secret that a stint on a reality TV show allows previously unknown people to obtain thousands of new Instagram followers and overnight success.

And while this newfound fame can bring with it some pretty fun perks, there is also a very stark dark side.

From past contestants like Married at First Sight’s Clare Verrall who called for a “MAFS survivors’ support group” after feeling too “broken and scared” to leave her home to others being relentlessly trolled and sent death threats on social media, some stars are feeling less than supported amidst the backlash.

While the networks insist there is dedicated psychological support available, many participants are reluctant to take them up on the offer.

Speaking to Now to Love, some of your favourite reality stars reveal exactly why that is.

Bachelor in Paradise star Elora Murger said appearing on Network Ten’s dating franchise took a toll on her mental health.

“It’s definitely something you find out as that world is exposed to you,” she admitted, claiming it was hard to trust the people who were often painting her in a less than positive light.

“It’s always hard to reach out to those who manage your image. Like they’re trying to say ‘let me help you with what I’ve done to you’.

“You don’t want to reach out to those that hurt you.”

Elora Murger doesn’t use the help that is provided to the Bachelor in Paradise cast.

(Source: Instagram/EloraTahiti)

Another Bachelor franchise cast member who wished to remain anonymous agreed.

“Contestants know they are working for production; their role is more about protecting the show and monitoring contestants than actually supporting or helping them.

“It’s why most who need the support post-production have spoken up about not receiving any as it was promised.”

The source also said that “everyone’s watched Stan’s UnReal” and claimed: “the psychology profiles and history of the contestants is used to manipulate and influence the storyline … no one’s suggesting anything, but very few know what actually goes on behind closed doors in production.”

For many of these stars, editing plays a large role in how they are perceived.

After BIP’s most recent season, there were a few disgruntled stars – including Mackane Reid, who was consistently portrayed as “awkward”.

Speaking to Now to Love after the show aired, Mack said his characterisation is nothing like his real-life personality.

“Look, I’ve been known to fall in love pretty quickly but the awkward, ‘shy guy’ tag is just not me. Even as a child, I was always confident and outspoken and it just sort of baffles me why they keep editing me this way,” he complained.

“There’s a massive editing process that goes into it and they’ve sort of stitched me up somewhat.”

While Mack got off relatively lightly with an awkward portrayal and limited ensuing negativity, others didn’t fare so well.

WATCH NEXT: Mackane Reid complained about this scene from Bachelor in Paradise

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After making controversial comments on BIP that left fans furious, Paddy Colliar had to issue a public apology for his actions on Instagram.

During the show, Paddy’s love interest Brooke Blurton was chosen for a one-on-one date with fellow female contestant, Alex Nation.

Paddy reacted to the snub in a way that was deemed “outdated” and “misogynistic” by some viewers and he was inundated with vile death threats.

As well as expressing his remorse in the Instagram statement, Paddy also touched on the role of editing and the toll it took on him.

“I understand what I said was hurtful but I don’t think anyone deserves those comments getting thrown at them. So I am strong minded, and I am going to shake it off. But you’ve gotta understand this is TV and everyone knows how TV works and it is heavily, heavily edited. So things may not be what they seem.

“Having nasty things said about you can really affect someone’s mentality and you know what, it can affect their life too.

In a bleak warning, he continued: “So be careful what you say about someone and who you say it to, because you never know what they’re going through.”

Paddy Colliar took to Instagram to apologise for his actions on BIP.

(Source: Instagram/PaddyColliar)

For its part, Network Ten said support was available to every contestant, including those struggling with backlash.

“As part of the show’s duty of care, all Bachelor In Paradise cast have full access to mental health professionals as well as support from Warner Bros. Australia and Network 10 teams,” a spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, Married at First Sight’s Sarah Roza, believed that “support was not actually provided” after production for the Channel Nine show.

While Sarah admits she and her co-stars shared one psychologist with regular check-ins, she said this was only on offer during the show’s run itself – not afterwards when she really needed it.

“I spent a small fortune myself on getting professional help but I did it because I knew it was the prudent thing to do and sorely needed,” she revealed to Now to Love.

It was a claim that Channel Nine countered, however.

“There is a dedicated show psychologist and support team available to every participant throughout the entire production, broadcast and beyond,” a Nine spokesperson said.

MAFS alum Sarah Roza believed that “support was not actually provided” to her.

(Source: Instagram/SarahRoza)

However, while Sarah felt that she was let down in this aspect (as did Clare Verrall), season two alum, Jono Pitman felt very differently.

“I used to talk to [a psychologist provided by the network] fortnightly, six months after the show had aired as I was in an extremely dark hole for a while because of my experience,” he said.

“They also give you the option to source your own psychologist or you could use the one they recommend,” he added.

“I used the one they recommended and he was fantastic. I also reached out to him six months ago because I was having my own personal battles – which I paid for myself – and once again he was amazing.”

MAFS alum Jono Pitman was happy with the help provided.

(Source: Instagram/JonoPitman)

Jono also revealed that “the psychologist Channel Nine recommend had nothing to do with the network and nothing to do with the show.”

He claimed any information to the contrary was “completely untrue.”

A more current cast member also shed light on their experience, however, chose to remain anonymous.

“To be honest I had a few chats to the psychologist that was available to us from MAFS and she was great at what she does.

“I feel it comes down to individual responsibility but also knowing that we never had a script so if you act a certain way you are bound to feel the reactions.

“In my case though, we were asked and checked in with by the producers to make sure we were OK and the psychologist would do that with us too reminding us they are there.”

If you or someone you know needs help, call Lifeline on 131 114, visit Lifeline, or call beyondblue on 1300 224 636.

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