Picking up their hammers again! Elyse Knowles and Josh Barker return to The Block The Aussie model reveals what it’s like being back in her toolbelt and what really goes down behind the scenes.
The secret texts that expose The Bachelor’s top three The Bachelor's blondes look to have been confirmed.
Tess’ worst nightmare: The Block’s Luke goes missing! The Oslo descends into chaos after a contestant disappears.
EXCLUSIVE: How a stay-at-home mum overcame a traumatic experience to achieve AGT glory “I couldn’t not do something and just shrivel up in a ball and die."
EXCLUSIVE: The top 7 Bachelor babes reveal what they REALLY think about Matt The lucky top seven dish on hook-ups, drama and why they deserve the Bachelor's final rose.
EXCLUSIVE: The Bachelor’s Mary can’t get a date and we need to do something about it ''People don't often give a chance to single mums.''
Matty J throws some serious shade at the Honey Badger during an all-star cameo on The Bachelor Pick someone...
The Bachelor evictee Nichole Wood spills on her new ‘relationship’ with MAFS star Billy Vincent The pair were pictured together earlier this week, so how did it all start? Nichole tells all!
The Bachelor Australia’s Rachael spills on THAT dramatic exit and her relationship with Vakoo ''Yeah, so I didn’t actually give a crew member my number...''