It’s no secret The Bachelor’s rose ceremonies can get pretty intense at times.
And adding to the dramatic atmosphere is how slowly Osher Gunsberg talks as he narrates what’s going down as Matt Agnew gives out his roses.
But turns out, the reason Osher adds so many pauses to his sentences has nothing to with trying to up the ante on the melodrama.
After a Bachelor fan complained on Twitter about the way Osher speaks on the dating show, the affable media personality explained why that was the case.
“Why. Does Osher. Feel like he needs. To take a breath. So often. In. A sentence. #TheBachelorAU,” the viewer questioned.
In response, Osher wrote: “Because I like to make sure that three cameras can get reaction shots from 18 different people. The actual mechanics of making reality tv are tricky sometimes.”
Who knew?!

One Bachelor fan complained Osher (pictured right, with Matt Agnew) speaks too slowly at the rose ceremonies.
(Image: Channel Ten)
Osher spilled the reason behind his pauses.
(Image: @oshergunsberg/Twitter)This week’s episodes have provided plenty of reasons for those epic reaction shots after one of the biggest scandals the show has ever seen.
Abbie Chatfield caused a stir when she told Matt that fellow Bachelorette Monique Morley had described him as a “dog c—t” and a “disrespectful pig”.
When Matt confronted Monique at the cocktail party, she strongly denied she ever uttered the words.
“I would never, ever say that,” she told him. “I’m very vocal in how I feel… I don’t like to cause drama.”
WATCH: See the explosive moment The Bachelor’s Matt Agnew asked Monique if she called him a “dog c–t”. Story continues below…
After that, it wasn’t long before the cocktail party descended into chaos.
An annoyed Matt tries to get to the bottom of it all and interrogates the other women as to what really happened – but not one of them agreed on the same version of events.
Frustrated, Matt eventually walks out, declaring to the girls that “tonight has been a tremendous waste of time.”
Woah! Is there any coming back from that for Monique? We’ll be watching with bated breath to find out.
READ NEXT: EXCLUSIVE: What REALLY happened between The Bachelor’s Abbie and Monique

Osher has hosted all seven seasons of The Bachelor.
(Image: Channel Ten)