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EXCLUSIVE: The REAL heartbreaking reason that Zoe Hendrix and Alex Garner broke up

In their first interview post-break up, Zoe Hendrix and Alex Garner reveal why it really was never going to work.
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Zoe Hendrix and Alex Garner were once the poster couple of Married at First Sight, after falling in love in Season One before going on to have their adorable bub Harper Rose in 2016.

Last year, however, in a heartbreaking Instagram post, Zoe revealed that she and Alex had gone their separate ways in April after four years together.

“It is with great sadness that Alex and I would like to state that we will be separating for now,” she wrote.

Then in July, she penned another post.

“After the separation a lot of women have contacted me privately asking ‘how do you know when it’s time leave your husband?’ The power of that question has weighed on me and I have thought long and hard for an adequate answer that these women deserve.

“These exhausted women and mothers who have wearily walked their own relationship highs and lows, and who see me boarding a train, they think maybe they belong on too.

“The divorce train. The separation train. Or even more terrifying, the single mother train.

“But the unfortunate truth is, I didn’t choose this path. I never bought a ticket. I never thought that the man I love so much would one day walk away.

“But he did.”

Now, both Alex and Zoe have sat done with NW in an exclusive chat, in their first interviews since their break-up and it seems that children may have been the deal-breaker.

Zoe Hendrix, Harper Rose and Alex Garner before their April separation. (Source: Instagram)

Since splitting from Zoe last year, Alex has had to readjust to solo life, plus one little difference!

“I mean, it’s not easy being a single parent – that’s for sure,” he says of parenting Harper-Rose. But despite recent hardships, Alex says he has no regrets.

“Well, me and Zoe were together four years, you know, and we had Harper, so the best thing about the show was having Harper,” he explains.

In fact, he’s so besotted with his baby girl that he’s excited about giving Harper a brother or sister one day.

“Yes, definitely – 100 per cent,” he gushes when we ask if he wants more kids, adding that fatherhood is the best part of his life. “I mean, it’s fantastic. She’s an amazing girl and she gives me purpose. I’ve never been big for kids, and then you have them and you realise what it’s all about. It’s just fantastic. I love it.”

Harper with “Daddy”, Alex. (Source: Instagram)

Zoe on the other hand, isn’t so keen to have more kids.

How are you going raising Harper since the break-up?

It’s hard. It’s really hard. I mean motherhood is hard, so I think single motherhood takes a real adjustment. I’m giving myself time to adjust to it.

Are you co-parenting well with Alex?

Yeah, we’re doing our best – the best that we can. It’s not perfect, but I don’t think anyone has the perfect co-parenting situation…

Is it getting any easier?

I would say it’s actually getting harder as it goes on.

Why’s that?

It’s hard having to deal with a break-up when you have to see them three times a week. But we do put Harper first and we ensure she has everything she needs.

READ NEXT: The way they were: A look back at MAFS’ Alex Garner and Zoe Hendrix’s romance in pictures

Zoe and Harper on a mummy-daughter day. (Source: Instagram)

Have you thought about getting back out there?

No. I’m not interested in going into that scary place yet – it’s too early.

Do you have any regrets?

No. Have you seen the movie The Butterfly Effect? It says if you change one thing, then it changes everything, so I don’t regret it because I wouldn’t have my daughter if I changed a thing.

What’s next for you?

I’m writing a book at the moment – I can’t say what it’s about yet, though. I am also studying full-time at law school, too. I’m pursuing my dreams and I’m really glad I’m doing that.

What about more kids – is that part of the plan for your future?

At the moment, I have no desire for more children.

For more celeb gossip and exclusives, pick up a copy of this week’s NW magazine.

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