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Surprise! MAFS’ Jessika tells Nic she likes him and now the rumour makes sense

“There’s nothing I’d do to jeopardise MY marriage...”
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The couples of Married At First Sight were confronted by Cyclone Cyrell last night, after a rumour was spread regarding her husband Nic.

The rumour was started by Jessika and spread by Martha, and claimed that Nic had been rubbing Jessika’s leg under the table at last week’s dinner party. Nic was shocked by the sexual nature of the rumour, and claimed he had only tapped her to ask if she was okay.

Tonight, it’s become clear why that rumour was started AND why the girls added a suggestive spin on to it: Jessika has a crush on Nic.

Oh, the drama!

Cyrell apologised to Michael, who was more than gracious about it, and Martha, who was less forgiving and faked an apology for her own part in the drama.

As Nic praised Cyrell for having his back, and for apologising when she was wrong, Jessika and Martha watched on suspiciously. While viewers were left wondering what was going on, it was only a few moments before it all became clear.

After discussing how attractive new groom Dan is, Jessika told her bestie “I’m interested in Nic.”

“I think Cyrell and Nic are very much getting along and I don’t think I should tell him,” Jess told Martha, who thought otherwise.

“I think you should act on that,” Martha said, while we all screamed at our TVs.

pretends to be shocked

After asking Nic to have a chat outside, Jessika jumped straight into things asking Nic “are you happy with Cyrell?”

“We’re a bit hit and miss at the moment,” he admitted. “We’ve had a really rough week. The way she handled the fight with Martha and her was a bit full on, but it’s put a real shadow over our relationship.”

Cutting him off, Jessika revealed “my relationship isn’t going very well at the moment,” adding that “along the way I have developed some sort of feeling towards you.”

Shocked, Nic started laughing.

“Oh! I didn’t know this is what I was getting myself in to coming in to this conversation,” Nic told Jessika. “I feel awkward! I don’t know what to say.”

He struggled to recuperate from her shock announcement, scoffing over and over before saying “oh f—k.”

Nic wasn’t exactly pleased by Jessika’s big reveal.

Eventually he managed to tell Jessika what viewers – and the love experts – were hoping to hear: no.

“Look I’m not going to lie, Cyrell and I have a lot of arguments, a lot of drama, a lot of fights. But there’s nothing I’d do to jeopardise MY marriage,” he said. “I’m married. I’ve never been hit on like that.”

“How am I hitting on you?” Jess exclaimed, while the love experts groaned.

“Oh come on Jess,” said John as they watched the scene unfold. “You just propositioned him.”

“Yes, she’s propositioned a married man,” Trisha said.

When Nic told her he didn’t think they should even be having the conversation, she laughed in his face. And it seems that two minute exchange is the extent of how far Jessika’s desired affair with Nic will go.

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So to sum up: it looks like Jessika started that rumour, and caused major problems in Cyrell’s relationship, because she likes Nic. Honestly why do we watch this show? Oh, right, because we secretly love the drama.

Unhappy with the reaction she received from Nic, Jessika returned to the table to deliver the bad news to Martha.

But don’t worry, in the episode it was clear she’s ALSO keen on Dan. It seems there may be more drama on the horizon…

Married At First Sight airs Monday to Wednesday, and Sunday, 7.30pm, Nine Network.

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