If there’s one person that we’ve all been desperate to interview this season of Married at First Sight, it’s Ines Basic.
The pocket rocket has been silent on the media circuit – mostly because she has been kept away by network execs – but that hasn’t stopped her from speaking out on Instagram.
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Now, the 28-year-old legal assistant has finally spoken out – by gate crashing an interview with Michael Brunelli and Martha Kalifatidis on KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O show.
And if you wanted to know the intimate details about those steamy pics, revealed exclusively by NW mag with bestie Martha, she finally reveals all.
After Kyle asks if she and Martha ever make out, the Queensland native said:
“Yeh, well you know that, we’re like best friends so we make out with each other.”
“Like what kind of… just kissing?” Jackie asked.
“Yeh, we just hooked up on my birthday,” she admitted. “It was a good time.”
“It was a pash. Just a pash!”
READ NEXT: EXCLUSIVE: MAFS’ Martha & Ines spotted getting cosy in a Melbourne club
Martha and Ines are BFFs since the show wrapped. (Source: Instagram)
While rumours have been circulating that Michael and Martha have called it quits, they insist that they are still together – and in fact, Michael confirmed that he was at Ines’ party when the friendly pash took place.
During the chat, Ines also confirmed that she was “flying solo” at the moment with no men on the horizon – and hadn’t been in contact with Sam Ball, especially after he read out a private text Ines sent him on national radio.
But it was when Jackie O asked about the rumours that Ines could potentially be the next Bachelorette, we were most surprised.
“I did get asked while I was filming Married at First Sight if I was interested in being picked for it because they thought I’d be real funny,” she admitted. “And I was like, I don’t know. This would be real hectic.”
Real hectic indeed.
WATCH NEXT: Ines has zero remorse for her actions on MAFS
Story continues…
Now that the top job has gone to former Gogglebox star Angie Kent, we can’t imagine Ines on the show …. although, can you imagine the way she’d weed out her favourites?
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Which Married At First Sight couples from 2019 are actually still together?
Cringe at first sight! The WORST MAFS fashion moments
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