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Married At First Sight’s Dan tells: “Tamara was a bit overpowering”

The new brides and grooms of MAFS reveal their first impressions
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Married At First Sight introduced viewers to two new couples on Monday night, in the wake of a mass exit in the previous commitment ceremony.

With just seven couples remaining at the halfway point of the experiment, the series brought in four new singles to match up and (probably) create some much-needed new drama in the wake of Elizabeth, Sam, Ines and Bronson’s departure.

MAFS viewers met young single-mum Susie, vivacious Tamara, charismatic Daniel and Prince Charming himself, Billy.

Meet the new participants on MAFS!

The first wedding saw our resident love experts pair up Susie – who typically makes the mistake of going for ‘tattoed bad boys’ – with the sweet-natured, clean-cut Billy.

Billy could not stop gushing about Susie at the altar, though she was visibly sceptical about her groom.

“I did not expect to get what I would have chosen for myself, I accepted that from the beginning. So I was really hoping I’d get more of a man, more of a gentleman. And that’s exactly what I got!” Susie, 25, tells TV WEEK of her groom. “As soon as I saw how he was dressed, how he held himself, I knew he was a gentleman.”

It seems the feeling was mutual, with Billy, 28, telling TV WEEK that he was “smitten” by his bride.

“My first impressions of Susie were, ‘This girl is absolutely stunning. I’ve really hit the jackpot.’ And you see that on the show, I just couldn’t contain how I felt in that moment,” Billy reveals.

“I was so nervous – I was deciding whether to throw up or to faint. I was smitten, I couldn’t stop looking at her. I was such a schoolboy. I just thought, I really want to get to know this girl.”

Susie admits she was taken aback by Billy’s charm at first.

“I found it really hard at first to take his compliments and have someone pull my chair out for me,” she reveald. “I wasn’t used to it.”

Will Billy and Susie go the distance on MAFS?

Though the relationship is off to a flying for start for Susie and Billy, things are looking a little rockier for Dan and Tamara.

Dan, a 35-year-old single father, admits he was nervous on the day of the wedding.

“Yeah. I was shaking and had sweaty palms. It was overwhelming,” he tells TV WEEK. “Meeting my future wife on that day, I didn’t know what to expect; it was a challenge. I’m the kind of a guy that knows if I’m going to have something with a girl within 60 seconds, just by the feeling I get. That’s what I was chasing and why I went on the show.”

Unfortunately, Dan admits he didn’t get that ’60 second feeling’ when he met his bride.

“No, I didn’t quite get that on the wedding day when I saw Tam, but I stayed true to myself and I stuck with it and got to know her more,” he reveals. “The nerves settled once we were at the reception and she was fine with me having a son.

“Tam was pretty loud on the wedding day; she’s a bit overpowering for me. It toned down as time went on but I was taken back by her big personality. I’m not used to it and I struggled with it. Shes apretty girl and has everything going for her, but we didn’t see eye-to-eye on a few things. Look, if she walked into a bar, she wouldn’t be the type of girl I would go and speak to. But in saying that, I was keen to find out the depth of her and find out why the experts matched her with us. I was interested to find that out.”

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Meanwhile, it was Dan’s vibrant appearance that made a big impression on Tamara on her wedding day.

“Honestly, it’s hard to remember but the thing that keeps popping up, is ‘wow he has really white teeth!'” she laughs.

Aside from his white teeth, Tamara recalls that her new husband came across like a bit of a ‘lad.’

“But my second was that he seemed like a bit of a lad; his whole wedding party were male. I thought, this could be interesting, fun!”

Look, she’s not wrong about the teeth!

We can’t wait to see more from our new couples when MAFS returns!

Married At First Sight airs Monday to Wednesday, and Sunday, 7.30pm, Nine Network.

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