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MAFS’ Ryan Gallagher strips off for a nude shoot with NW (!!!)

The only prop standing between Ryan's privates actually staying private or not? An Easter egg...
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We brought lovable Married At First Sight star Ryan Gallagher to NW HQ to strip off and chat about life after reality TV – and learnt a lot more about him than we planned to…

Like, when you’re asking the hunk to hold an Easter egg in front of his junk as an Easter gift to our lovely readers (and MAFS fans everywhere) to always ask for sizings first.

Yep, NW had to whip down to the supermarket to fetch a larger egg (FYI, an NRL football-sized egg did the trick!) and even then, he broke through it… literally!

(And yes, people, he is still single.)

So, THIS is what went down on our nude shoot with Ryan

Ryan needed an NRL football sized Easter egg to cover up!

How does it feel to be the hottest guy on TV right now?

I don’t think that’s true at all. In the mornings, you wouldn’t think so!

Still, you have one of the largest Instagram followings…

Some people would look at that and think that would be amazing… I love the fans to see what I’m doing, but I’m not bothered about that – it’s nice I’ve got a following, though.

Admit it, you must get a few ladies sliding into your DMs…

I don’t count them, but there’s a few in there. Nothing absurd has been said, and there’s no hatred. I can be thankful for that. I can’t say Dean [Wells] has probably had the same thing!

Any marriage proposals?

I have had a few that say, “Marry me”, so there have been some. I can’t reply, because one: I don’t have the time, and two: I don’t want to lead anyone on.

Besides, you’re too busy stripping down for NW!

I’ve always, always loved making people laugh. In school, I’d always been the class clown. Good to put that to some good use…

Was it awkward being in the nude?

No, I’m not a very awkward person. I mean, you’re born [naked] and you’ll probably finish that way. Nudity’s not a bad thing.

Err, so the Easter egg meant to hide your modesty needed to be replaced with a bigger one…

Yeah, [the NW-ettes on set] went to the supermarket and got a bigger egg! But I’m not shy, I never have been. You gotta be comfortable with nudity. I’ve got a lot of flaws. But you’ve just got to own them. Move on.

Have you told your MAFS co-stars about this shoot?

No, but I’ve told my mum and dad. I told Mum the egg broke, and how my towel dropped and everyone saw everything. She was laughing her head off!

So what’s next?

I hope to be with someone by next year, so I’m looking to find someone as soon as possible, fingers crossed.

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