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MAFS dinner party bombshells: Things are heating up!

Get ready for an explosive night as the women confront the men about their secrets.
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Has someone been cheating?

The accusations fly at the Married At First Sight dinner party, with more than one marriage looking very shaky. Will the truth finally come out?

This week on MAFS, Claire and Lyndall turn up to dinner with a bombshell to drop: they’ve spotted Shannon with a mystery woman and a child – and without his wife Caitlin.

”That was a big shock,” Claire, 31, tells TV WEEK.

”We obviously thought that it was his ex-fiancée and his child.”

She says Shannon got ”a little bit defensive” when he realised who had spotted him.

”He came across a little agitated and annoyed he’d been seen,” Claire explains.

”So that’s what made us go, ‘Well, that’s a weird reaction.”’

Drama is the main course at this week’s dinner party thanks to Caitlin and Shannon.

(IMAGE: Nine)

Lyndall and Claire decide the truth needs to come out at the dinner party, so Claire makes up her mind to confront Shannon about it.

”Girl code,” she explains.

”If Shannon was hanging out with his ex, it would have been nice for Caitlin to be aware of that.”

But is the mystery woman really Shannon’s former fiancée or is the truth something very different?

The biggest drama of the night involves Harrison. The 32-year-old has remained in the relationship experiment – reluctantly – after his wife Bronte wrote ”stay” when he wrote ”leave” at the last commitment ceremony.

”I had my bags packed,” Harrison tells TV WEEK.

”I wanted out of there. I was so over it by that point. What you don’t see on TV is that I spent weeks and weeks trying to win this girl back over, and it was just getting to the point where I was like, ‘Well, why am I putting up with it for a girl I hardly know?”’

Bronte and Harrison can’t stop clashing…

(IMAGE: Nine)

A rumour involving a woman sends shockwaves through the dinner party. There’s an accusation made against one of the men and there’s a walkout.

”That happened nearly every week,” Harrison says.

”Oh, another walkout. OK, whatever. After a while, you just roll your eyes at the behaviour.”

Claire chooses to confront Harrison over his central role in the drama.

”I was quite vocal,” she says.

”If I’m 100 per cent honest, I don’t like Harrison at all.”

Harrison doesn’t cop it and bites back in defending himself.

”It’s a bit hypocritical for Claire to confront anyone about stuff like that!” he says.

Could this be the end for one of the couples?

‘’You can’t hide it’’: Claire’s true feelings for Adam come out.

Jesse has moved out of his marital apartment.

(IMAGE: Nine)

Is this the first MAFS partner swap for the season, or just a figment of a jealous imagination?

Last week, Jesse suspected there was something going on between his wife Claire and Janelle’s husband Adam. Now, Claire tells TV WEEK what really happened on the couples’ night out.

”Adam is charming and charismatic, and was saying all the things I was craving to hear from Jesse,” Claire explains.

”He told me I’m funny and positive and enthusiastic – all the things I love about myself that Jesse was annoyed by.

Jesse sensed there was a spark between his wife Claire and Adam.

(IMAGE: Nine)

”Maybe that’s me seeking validation when my relationship wasn’t working – and maybe I fell for his charm a bit – but he came across as a nice guy.”

Claire admits Jesse picked up on a vibe between her and the ”good-looking” UK-born business owner.

”His gut feeling told him there was a spark there and I guess you can’t hide that,” she says.

Viewers haven’t heard the last of this potential love triangle. There’s a shock development coming up.

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