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“Troy is my type!” MAFS’ Carly Bowyer finally lifts the lid on her secret romance

She opens up about her relationship with another contestant’s husband.
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Married At First Sights’ Justin sparked a scandal at last week’s boys’ night when he said Dean and Troy were his wife Carly’s “type”.

And now, Carly is opening up about her relationship with Ashley’s husband for the first time. Her confession comes just weeks after incriminating photos emerged of the pair canoodling in a park.

“Physically, Troy is my type,” Carly admits. “I do go for that preppy, private school-looking guy and Justin and I had a conversation about that.”

Carly admits she’s attracted to Troy.

The marketing manager from Victoria says Troy, 35, is “hilarious”, and the two of them became really good friends during filming.

“We definitely bonded at the dinner parties,” she says. “We seemed to be the ones in the relationships who were putting in a lot more than we were getting. I think we both sympathised with each other a lot about that.”

But as for any suggestion that she might have been attracted to Dean, Carly laughs it off.

“Not at all!” she insists. “I don’t know where Justin got that one from.”

There wasn’t any chemistry between Carly and Justin.

Carly admits she was angry at her husband Justin, 41, when she left the show. At first, she knocked back his attempts to stay in touch.

“Justin did try to reach out to me at one point,” she says. “But, quite honestly, I didn’t even want to talk to him.”

But as time has passed, they’ve both put their differences behind them and become mates.

“I’ve moved on,” Carly explains. “I just think, ‘What’s the point in harbouring hard feelings?'”

Right now, the career-driven brunette says she’s feeling great about life and “couldn’t be happier”.

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