It seems that Bride and Prejudice couple, Jessica Jones and Seyat Abazovski, are not helping the rumours that they have split.
Just last week, some eagle eyed fans spotted Seyat’s “single status” on Facebook, cementing the fact that they have indeed broken up since the show stopped airing.
Now, in a twist of events, Seyat and Jess have both taken to their socials “breaking their silence” on the topic, sending B&P fans into a tiz.

Seyat Abazovski and Jessica Jones in August on Seyat’s 21st birthday. (Source: Instagram @jessicajonesy_)
On Sunday, Seyat took to his Instagram story to reminisce about the beginning of their relationship in July 2017.
Posting a video to his story, he captioned it with the “very first video I took of her” as Jess danced to “her song”.
The clip was then followed by a pic of the couple, which he wrote: “also our first photo together”.
With these two very suspicious posts, fans were hoping that this was a sign the couple were still an item, however, after Jess responded to a comment from a fan on her own socials, it was clear that Seyat was just touching on their shared past.
WATCH NEXT: Seyat shares the first video he ever took of Jess. Post continues…
Seyat posted a throwback of their very first couple photo from July 2017. (Source: Instagram @seyatski)
“Can you reveal if you and seyats parents are all good? [sic]” a fan asked on Jess’ Instagram.
“Not much has changed sad to say [sic],” Jess responded.
So what on earth does this mean??
Last week, after some social media deep diving, it was confirmed that neither of the couple had shared any updates together since the end of November. In fact, the only pics Jess has posted is of their on-screen nuptials!

Seyat and Jess at their Bride and Prejudice nuptials. (Source: Channel 7)
And in an interview earlier last month, Jess spoke with a local publication just after the finale aired, revealing that she and her husband were no longer living together at Seyat’s parents house.
“I’ve gone back home to my parents,” Jess said.
Taking a look back at their relationship, all signs pointed to a relationship destined for disaster – especially when the 21-year-old Jess revealed plans to move from their home city of Melbourne, to study in Queensland.
But it was Seyat’s mother who continuously hammered nails in the relationship coffin, throughout the series, most notably when she labelled Jess a “whore” among other things.
Mum Fatima did everything in her power to stop the wedding, including offering Jess $10,000 in cash to walk away from her son.

Seyat and his parents at their wedding. (Source: Channel 7)
Throughout the series, Seyat, 19, was slammed for failing to stand up for his bride-to-be and Jess revealed that her friends were disappointed in Seyat, but they ultimately just wanted her to be happy.
“It’s hard, because a part of me thinks he should have stood up for me,” she says. “But there’s a lot of stuff on the show people don’t see.”
However, Jess said her own parents were horrified by the way she’d been treated.
“My parents aren’t happy,” she said. “They’re quite angry. To see their daughter put through that is heartbreaking.”
Mother-in-law from hell or not, it turns out that maybe Jess and Seyat’s love was never meant to be.
Now to Love have reached out to Jess and Seyat for comment.