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EXCLUSIVE: I’m a Celeb’s Erin Barnett says she doesn’t mind cleaning poop!

''I was a nurse for years so it doesn't bother me!''
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Fact. A s–tload of stuff has happened to Erin Barnett since she was Eden Dally’s “pumpkin pie” on the OG season of Love Island.

From life-changing surgery to meeting The One, Erin says her romance with Eden – who’s now expecting a baby boy with Married At First Sight star Cyrell Paule – “feels like another life”.

Yep, the bubbly blonde, 24, is now in the South African jungle doing battle with snakes, slime and, er, sewage!

“I was a nurse for years, so poo doesn’t bother me,” says Erin, who actually volunteered for dunny-emptying duty in the camp. “I’m totally used to dealing with annoying s–ts.”

Eww! But with zingers like that, NW just had to get more goss from the sassy reality star…

The reality star gets candid about her battle with endometriosis and admits that her Love Island experience ‘feels like a lifetime ago.’

(Source: NW)

Hey, Erin! What made you decide to go on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here?

Last year was a really big year for me. I’d been really unwell and in agonising pain with endometriosis, so I finally had an operation to remove my left ovary. It was really heavy, but once I came through the op, I was in so much less pain. I got my life back.

When I was asked to go into the jungle, I thought it would be a really great way to start off 2020 with something fun and positive.

What do you think you’ll end up missing most while you’re in the jungle?

My boyfriend Mick. We met at the gym and we’ve been together for just over a year. We’re living together now.

WATCH BELOW: 10 scary facts about endometriosis. Post continues after video…

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Sounds serious! Any plans to put a ring on it?

Yes, soon hopefully. I keep sending Mick pictures of rings I like so he’ll know what to choose!

Nice! You’ve always been open about the fact that Mick is a bit older than you…

Yes, he’s 43 and has three kids. I’m kind of like a cool older auntie rather than the wicked stepmum.

When we first became a couple, people were saying stuff like he is my sugar daddy and that we wouldn’t last. But I think we’ve shut down that talk now by being together for as long as we have – and we’ve been through so much already because of my health.

“I keep sending Mick pictures of rings I like so he’ll know what to choose!”

(Image: Instagram @erin.alysha)

How did it feel when you found out about Eden and Cyrell’s pregnancy?

Love Island and anyone around that feels like another lifetime to me.

I’ve moved on and I’m happy. As long as they’re happy, then I’m glad. It’s all good.

So you’re not on speaking terms with them at all?

No, but I still talk to most of the Love Island girls, as well as Dom and Josh.

Erin says she no longer speaks to her ex-Eden, but still keeps in tough with some of the girls and Dom and Josh.


Fair enough. Did you do any special preparation for going into the jungle?

No, I just ate everything I could. Like seriously, I was eating pasta for breakfast to prepare for being starving in camp! Oh, my God, what have I gotten myself into?!

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