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EXCLUSIVE: Survivor’s Gerry reveals his ”toughest moment” during game

''I overheard some of the Hierarchy of the Hero’s tribe using me as the butt of their jokes.''
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Survivor’s oldest ever contestant, 64 year old pilot Gerry Geltch, may not have won the title of sole Survivor (that went to Liz Parnov), but he sure did win the hearts of fans everywhere.

A real life hero, Gerry lasted almost 50 days in the tropics of Samoa, forming close bonds with fellow hero Matt and villain George.

Join TV Week as we reflect with Gerry on his season of Survivor Heroes vs Villains.

If you could play this season again knowing what you know what would you change?

After I was instrumental in successfully voting out the 6 revenge votes, I should have taken a more active role with making moves and not sitting back to let George take the lead.

Did you feel like your pitch was strong enough to win the jury over?

I kept my pitch to the bare minimum, as I knew the majority of the jury were not going to vote for me, given my previous history with them during the game.

Is there anything else you wished you had pitched to the jury/elaborated on that you didn’t?

Based on my game play at that point, there was nothing else to elaborate on.

Despite their age difference, Gerry and Matt became firm friends.

(IMAGE: Ten)

Not to re trigger you but was that final individual immunity challenge as painful at it looked?

It sure was.

At that point in the game, we were all feeling fatigued, but I was carrying several injuries. I played with foot back and shoulder injuries. My feet were strapped from injury, which was shown during the challenge.

You survived almost 50 days in Samoa, how long did it take for your body (and mind) to recover?

A few nights of good sleep certainly assisted . Actually, 2 weeks after I came home, I assisted my friend and former Survivor contestant Lee Carseldine on a charity walk on Fraser Island.

He walked 142km in 24 hours raising money for the Stroke Foundation, which was something close to his heart, having both parents suffering strokes. I was one of the support crew and actually did walk/run with him- approximately 80-100km.

Toughest moment of the season?

One of the toughest moments was when I overheard some of the Hierarchy of the Hero’s tribe using me as the “butt of their jokes”.

Gerry and Sharni also formed a close bond.

(IMAGE: Instagram)

How did you keep your personal relationships seperate from strategic decisions?

With the few people I grew fond of, I chose personal relationships over strategy.

Watching the way Sharni was being treated, knowing the lies and deceit that were being told was hard.

When I was sent to the Villains and given the choice to go back, I didn’t hesitate as I wanted to protect and work with her. George was my mentor and for me it was obvious to me that Matt and I were forming a solid bond.

Would you play again?


You’ve garnered a huge fanbase from your time on the show, how can they continue to show you (and your business) support?

I really love the growing fanbase and I am pleasantly surprised by the age diversity. I hope it continues to grow, as I truly believe I am an advocate and role model. I’ll keep doing what I do best –promoting the beautiful K’Gari, Fraser Island.

I am hoping to become more of a public figure, as I am looking at pursuing other opportunities for me outside Aviation, as at my age, it’s time to diversify into broader career paths.

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