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Bride & Prejudice: Ange and Dylan’s heartwarming wedding ceremony

At the last minute, Ange’s father decided to show at the ceremony
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In tonight’s finale of Bride and Prejudice: The Forbidden Weddings, Ange and Dylan tied the knot in an emotional ceremony that tugged at the heartstrings.

The happy couple were joined at the celebration by Ange’s father, John, who has vehemently stuck by his beliefs that gay marriage is a sin for the duration of the show.

In the eleventh hour, John had a change of heart and showed up at the ceremony to tell his daughter he supported and loved her.

The night before the wedding, Ange told John that if he showed up to the big day he needed to declare his support of the marriage.

“Obviously my wedding is tomorrow and obviously I want you to be there,” Ange said. “I want you to walk me down the aisle, I want you to be at the wedding, but if you’re there tomorrow, I want you to accept it.”

John said it was “hard” for him to accept because of his faith and his belief in God, hinting to his daughter that he wouldn’t be at the wedding.

A heartbroken Ange believed her dad wasn’t going to show at the ceremony.

Before their wedding ceremony the next day, a nervous Dylan told the cameras it would tear her future wife apart if John didn’t show.

“If John comes to the wedding it’s going to be the best day for Ange and I, plus also the day that her dad accepts that she is gay. And that’s just going to be unbelievable,” said Dylan. “But if he doesn’t show up it’s going to change the whole feel of the day, it’ll just tear her apart.”

Elsewhere, an emotional Ange waited for news from her father, who she hadn’t heard from all day.

The nervous bride had begun to assume he wasn’t coming, when John walked in to the room ready to finally accept his daughter.

“I’m proud of who you are today,” John told a teary Ange. “I love you and I just want you to know that I accept what you’re doing here today and I accept you for who you are. I just want the best for you and Dylan. I just want the best for your future.”

“Are you ready for me to walk you down the aisle?” John asked Ange.

John not only showed up to the wedding and declared his support, but he was also seen wearing a massive smile and had tear-filled eyes throughout the beautiful ceremony.

“I love Ange with all my heart and it makes me happy to see her happy,” John said.

A teary John watched Ange and Dylan exchange their vows.

The uncontrollable sobbing could practically be heard around Australia as John walked Ange down the aisle, with viewers taking to Twitter to share their joy.

See the best Tweets from the episode below.


Congratulations to the happy couple!

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