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Denise Scott leaves Dancing With The Stars: “I was NOT shocked”

“I was a little bit relieved and disappointed, all mixed in!”
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Denise Scott became the second person eliminated from Dancing With The Stars last night, leaving the show after her third performance with dance partner Jeremy Garner.

Denise, who competed on the show in the hopes of raising money for Dementia Australia, admits she had to weigh up her options when she was asked to join the cast.

The 63-year-old star tells TV WEEK she was hesitant because of her arthritis.

“I was really quite worried about my arthritis,” she tells us, adding she chose to participate because she “loves” the show.

Denise and her dance partner Jeremy.

We caught up with Denise after her elimination to find out how she enjoyed her time on Dancing With The Stars…

How are you feeling this morning? Are you disappointed, or shocked, that you were sent home last night?

I’m so tired! It was a big night, and I’m looking forward to a big lie down. I was not shocked, I have to say, at all. And I was a little bit relieved and disappointed, all mixed in. It’s been great learning to dance from Jeremy, and hanging out with him, and the cast as well, that’s all been wonderful. Really great vibe and a great experience, but at the end of the day my knees were killing me.

It did look like you were having a lot of fun on the show! Did it surprise you how much you enjoyed it?

It surprised me, yes! Because I was really quite worried about my arthritis and if I’d be able to do anything, so I was thrilled that I was able to actually enjoy whatever I was doing. Whatever dancing I managed to muster I really enjoyed it.

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Did you have a favourite routine, or one favourite moment, that you’re really proud of?

I reckon in the first dance, when Jeremy picked me up and twirled me around and put me in the chair, I really liked that!

I loved that routine, I think we all did! Well, except for “mean judge” Craig Revel Horwood. Did you find his judging style a little too harsh?

I did! I was really taken aback actually. I think culturally, maybe, we weren’t really prepared for a ‘Craig’ with his style of judging. But I think he’s brilliant, he adds real fire to the show… even if it was at my expense.

Denise’s favourite dance routine was her first.

Some of the contestants have said they really enjoy the dance training element, do you think you’ll keep up any training? Maybe in small doses?

In small doses, yes! Definitely! It’s wonderful to move again, because I’d basically stopped moving. And it’s absolutely a great way to deal with my arthritis.

With your arthritis you’ve said you had to really consider whether or not you would go on the show, why did you decide to do it?

Because I love the show! I’m a big fan of the show, I think it’s wonderfully entertaining. I love a live band and watching dancing, and I liked the idea of the challenge. I actually like a challenge and I thought it was something I would enjoy doing, even if I couldn’t quite master it.

Denise pulls off an impressive dance routine.

You seemed to get along really well with everyone on the show, do you think you’ve made a few lifelong friends?

Yeah! Well I think Jeremy will be a lifelong friend, and I have a feeling I’ll be seeing more of Courtney. I really enjoyed Courtney.

Was there anyone who you met who surprised you? Who wasn’t what you expected?

Jett. I didn’t expect to spend – not like I spent a lot of time with him – but I just found him adorable and he was really up for having a chat. I really enjoyed his company, and that surprised me. I wouldn’t have guessed that a 24-year-old Iron Man would really want to hang out with me. He’s a beautiful guy.

Dancing With The Stars airs Monday, 7:30pm, on Network 10.

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