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MAFS Cam and Jules feel the pressure as their wedding draws near

Are cracks beginning to show?
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Their romance was declared the love story the Married At First Sight franchise so desperately needed.


But there are concerns that Cameron Merchant and Jules Robinson’s second trip down the altar may not end up becoming a, ahem, reality.

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NW hears the pair might be clashing over Jules’ micromanagement of the wedding. In fact, an insider alleges Cam walked out following one particularly heated row, prompting fears the ceremony might be called off entirely. Oh no!

“He was upset… It’s his wedding too, after all,” says the insider.


Given the pressure of organising the most-anticipated reality TV wedding since Tim Robards married Anna Heinrich, it’s understandable why Jules might be turning into a bit of a bridezilla. However, the insider reckons she’s taken things to the next level.

READ NEXT: MAFS‘ Cam and Jules’ big demands: ‘Make me a star!’

Cam and Jules at Fashion Week.

(Image: Instagram @cammerchant)

Following reports this month that Jules was unhappy after a guest leaked photos from her and Cam’s engagement party, she is asking her guests to keep quiet on the details.


“Her full priority is making the most money from the wedding as possible. It’s become a full time job. She thinks she will make thousands. There’s even talk she’s planning on having it televised.”

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“Jules has been distant from her former friends, too,” claims the source. “The bridesmaids are all glad they weren’t picked again because [Jules] was barking orders and snapping at them. She might have been a bit of a control freak.”

Perfectionist Jules is also reportedly no longer talking to the other MAFS crew as often. She reportedly has barely seen her bridesmaids Melissa Lucarelli and Heidi Latchman since the engagement party in April – even though Mel also lives in Sydney.


WATCH NEXT: Cam Merchant proposes to Jules Robinson during the MAFS final vows ceremony. Post continues after video…

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“Some of the guests were bored at the engagement party and hated that they only got one free drink, so they buggered off early and had their own party somewhere else, which I’m told infuriated Jules.

Cam is said to feeling “very awkward” about it all. “He’s still good mates with the MAFS cast.


His old group of friends have also been in his ear. They’re concerned about how much he has changed. He is starting to take notice, too, as everyone is saying it. He’s been swept up in the moment.”

Cam and Jules were a staple at Fashion Week.

(Image: Getty Images)

For more Married at First Sight 2019 gossip and exclusives, pick up a copy of this week’s NW magazine.

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