She was the last Big Brother intruder standing, outlasting all those who entered the house with her mid-season in a surprise twist AND plenty of original housemates, too.
And yet, Adriana Fernandez tells Now To Love that despite her lengthy time in the house, viewers have hardly seen her true colours.
“They kept me quiet, which at the end of the day, it’s very disappointing because I do have a voice,” she tells us.
“I felt that I haven’t been heard in it until probably the last two episodes. They [producers] are focusing on who they want to portray and who they want to be up there on the podium.”

Adriana had a much more vocal role in the house than what was seen.
(Credit: Seven)With so much to fit into three, one hour episodes a week, the mother-of-three revealed not only was she edited down but there was plenty fans have missed out on.
“There were so many moment they didn’t show, funny moments we’d play games or tricks on each other and then there were moments like where Danny and I got into a big argument that they didn’t show.”
The 54-year-old felt that as well as some key players getting more airtime than others, favourites were being played. Some fans have called out the show questioning whether it is rigged after an eviction twist saved Sarah Jane aka SJ from a second eviction.
“Certain people had so many more chances. Big Brother knew what he was doing; he knew what game he was playing.”

Adriana wants to see Christina take out the competition.
(Credit: Seven)One housemate who has endured quite opposite treatment in the house, constantly a target of other housemates with one of the highest nomination counts this season, has been Christina. Facing off against the 21-year-old in last night’s eviction, Adriana was sure she was going to be safe.
“They wanted Christina out the whole time so I’m still curious as to why I was voted out, it’s a hard one.”
Despite this, Christina is the housemate Adriana is rooting for.
“She’s my girl, she had my back and that poor girl has been put up so many times and fought her way through without any extra chances or bonuses. It didn’t come easy for her but she’s a strong girl and she deserves to win.”
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