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EXCLUSIVE: Jamie spills on his fight with Jess during The Bachelorette Australia premiere

“It did break me!”
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We all suspected that Angie Kent’s brother, Brad, would make waves in the Bachelor Mansion, but we couldn’t have predicted how his secret presence unfolded!

In tonight’s premiere of The Bachelorette Australia, Brad acted as a secret spy for Angie during the first cocktail party.

“I want you to go in there and give me any kind of insight. Go in there and suss out the goodies from the baddies,” Angie told Brad as he arrived. And he did.

Brad reported back to Angie that Jess, the local Noosa politician dressed up as a King, had been saying he would “reject” the rose. Unfortunately, after being confronted by Angie, Jess took it upon himself to investigate and find out who ratted him out.

Settling on Jamie, Jess told all the boys it must have been the firefighter who spilled the beans.

Jess accuses Jamie of ratting him out to Angie.

The more Jamie tried to defend himself, the more Jess interrogated him. It seemed as though Jamie couldn’t win, as he faced the ‘annoying’ questioning of Jess.

With many of the boys rallying around him, Jamie managed to shake it off in the end. Though he admits to TV WEEK that it ‘broke’ him.

“It sucked, to be honest,” Jamie tells TV WEEK. “Jess never told me the information that he said I repeated and then, he called me out in front of everyone. He called me a liar, a snake, and I was like Jess, mate, if I do something I’ll own it.

“Like I could swear on my life that I never told Angie this information and that still wasn’t good enough for him.”

Though Jamie says he wasn’t concerned about what the other men thought of him, he was worried it would get back to Angie that he was untrustworthy.

“It did break me, because everyone was kind of blaming me. I could see Timm was one of the only people who believed me at that point in time. I couldn’t care less what the other guys thought, but it was more Angie.”

Jamie was upset by the accusations.

Jamie believes his fight with Jess cost him the coveted yellow rose, which would enable the recipient to go on a lengthy 24 hour date with Angie.

“I feel like that whole situation with Jess, kind of put me out of the running for the 24 hours rose,” he says. “. I know Carlin made a good first impression on the red carpet, and he’s a good looking guy and he’s got a great personality, but I still feel like I had the edge on him coming in there.

Though Jamie admits – had he been in Brad’s position, witnessing the fight – he would have also recommended Carlin to Angie.

“I would take Carlin every day of the week. Brad saw that whole fight with Jess unfold, how embarrassing.”

The drama looks set to continue tomorrow night, with Angie accosting Jess at the cocktail party.

“It infuriates me that I’m still standing here chatting to you,” she angrily confronts him.

Things aren’t looking good for Jess.

The Bachelorette Australia airs Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30pm, on Network 10.

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