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The Bachelorette Australia’s Wesley Ford reveals the ‘game-players’ in the mansion

He reveals who is there for 'mixed reasons'
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Wesley Ford’s time on The Bachelorette Australia was cut short in tonight’s episode, when he was sent packing by our gal Ali Oetjen.

We caught up with the gorgeous Wes, 31, to talk about his brief time in the mansion, his thoughts on the ‘game-players’ and his feelings for Ali.

TV WEEK: Wes! You spent such a short amount of time in the mansion, were you disappointed to be sent home?

Wes: I don’t know if I’d call it disappointed, it was a little bit of a bummer to be sent home so early but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Ideally it would have been nice to get some more time with Ali, to show her who I am. But that’s just not how it went so, there’s more to come for me elsewhere.

Wesley was eliminated from The Bachelorette Australia tonight.

Do you think if you’d spent more time together you would have had a good connection with Ali?

Yeah definitely, the more time you get with anyone you can build a connection better. Most definitely.

And even if you didn’t get to leave with a partner, you did leave with some good friends! Were you close with anyone in particular in the house?

I was pretty close with a lot of the boys. On the show you can kind of see there’s a bit of tension, but at the same time there’s no more than if you were away with all your mates. They’ve dramatised a lot of the arguments, though, a lot more than was really needed. I enjoyed hanging out with all the guys. They were all great.

One of the things we saw in tonight’s episode was this growing rivalry between Charlie and Bill. Was this known in the house, were you all aware that this was brewing?

I think the tension is increased just because of being on the show. But I think it’s just two loud, competitive, people clashing. I think that’s all it really is, they were there to compete and they’d butt heads a little bit but it was nothing crazy. It was just a bit of male ego.

Bill and Charlie obviously exchanged a few negative comments about each other in the episode. Did you get the impression they were on the show for the wrong reasons, or that maybe they’d lost sight of why they were supposed to be there? Or do you just think they were caught up in the moment?

All of the above, I think they were caught up in the moment, but I do think they were there for mixed reasons really. The camera doesn’t lie, it can only pick up what you say. They were there to play the game, they’re both big game-players I believe. They are both nice guys, but they were there to get Ali’s attention and win with Ali. And I guess they’re going to have to compete with each other, but I believe those two will be butting heads till the end.

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How about Paddy and Nathan, they’ve been shown to stir the pot! What did you think of them?

Yeah those boys get along, there was a little bit of tension but I think it was just that the camera is on and they’ve got a bit of stress in the back of their head about that. I got along with Nathan and Paddy, they were just different characters. Yeah, Paddy is pretty full-on and loud and likes to be the centre of attention, and Nathan is kind of similar, so they were both bouncing off each other with that kind of energy I guess, but that doesn’t make them bad people. They’re young and they are there for fun.

Is there someone in particular you think Ali would be best suited to? Anyone you think she should end up with?

I am not sure. What I got of Ali was that she was a little bit… she’s had a few bad past moments, we all have, but I think that might be holding her back. Or she was a little unsure of what she really wanted from a guy. Obviously on the show she’s going to end up with a guy, but I don’t know if it will be forever lasting love. When you’re unsure of what you want, then you usually get that in life. I can’t really say if the guys in there were her best matches.

The Bachelorette Australia airs Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30pm, on Network Ten.

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