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Bachelorette Australia 2018: Meet Ali’s Top Ten

They might look innocent enough...
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This season of The Bachelorette has flown by and Ali Oetjen, 32, has whittled down her suitors to her top ten!

But behind these innocent (and hot) men, there are some secrets of cheating, lies and sex tapes.

OK! exclusively chats with each of the men and throws their dirty laundry out into the public sphere.

The Bachelorette’s Top Ten. (Source: OK!)

Pete Stephen, 27

“I hooked up with a pretty wealthy and famous person in New York.”

What caused the end of your last relationship?

“I was just young and stupid. I made a lot of mistakes. I was probably too immature.”

Did you cheat?

“I have cheated on a girl before.”

Will you cheat again?


What’s your type?

“Typically bad girls. They make bad decisions and so do I, usually.”

Naughtiest thing you’ve ever done

“I hooked up with a pretty wealthy and famous person in New York. I went back to her apartment and did some pretty wild stuff. I’m not gonna say names. They’re in music.”

How did you meet her?

“I met them at the Rose Bar. They live in New York. She’s not married, doesn’t have kids. She was 18 when I met her. I would’ve been 24 or 25.”

Any other naughty things?

“I slept with a girl… we snuck into her old school and did it.”

Bill Goldsmith, 31

“I would never get plastic surgery!”

Why did you apply for The Bachelorette?

“It just was good timing between break-ups, and my housemates roped me into doing the application with them. And here I am!”

Is it true that tradies get the ladies?

“Obviously not, because I’m here! That statement’s debatable.”

When was your last relationship?

“My last serious relationship was probably 18 months ago, and it lasted just under four years. We just grew apart and turned into housemates in the end. We sort of fell out of love I suppose.”

Have you been on TV before?

“I featured in Better Homes and Gardens maybe 12-15 years ago. I was nailing a bit of decking down in the background. I’m pretty famous [laughs].”

What are your thoughts on plastic surgery?

“Yeah, it’s alright. If they’re comfortable with it, then I don’t have an issue. I would never get it personally, but have a look at me!”

Daniel Noonan, 30

“I want to get married in Croatia in Dubrovnik.”

You’re a good-looking guy – why are you single?

“I’ve never been in love before, and I haven’t really had a decent long-term relationship. Mainly because I haven’t wanted one. But now the time is right.”

Do you have a type?

Blonde, blue eyes, outgoing, tall. Ali’s outgoing, which is the big tick.

Is cheating a deal-breaker for you?

“Yes, definitely.”

A dream wedding destination?

“I want to get married in Croatia in Dubrovnik. It’s just a beautiful place. The backdrop of the old city, the ocean and the beautiful weather.”

Tell us about the wedding dress…

“White, fitted up the top and then flows out massively. A little bit like a princess, maybe not that puffy, though. Just really hugging at the top and silky. I’ve seen a picture somewhere!”

Taite Radley, 28

Cheating is a deal breaker for me.

When was your last relationship?

“About a year and a half ago. It was for seven years – a long time. I thought I was going to get married. I fell out of love and I thought that out of respect for her, I should end it. In the time that I’ve been single, I’ve realised that I’m ready for marriage. “

Have you been on TV before?

“I have! I was on First Dates. It was a bit of a laugh. They said they were trying to match me up with someone who they believed was suitable, but the girl wasn’t my type.”

Any skeletons in your closet?

“Not yet! I always say, when your career goes downhill you bring out a sex tape.”

Is that something you could be open to… making a sex tape?


Would you propose to Ali if you made it to the final two?

“If I was in love – yes.”

We’ve seen you and Ali share a kiss, how do you feel about her at this stage?

“It’s still early, and I’m just trying to get to know Ali because we’re all fighting for time. As hard as that is, it’s also hard to get to know her. We’ve held hands – they’re nice and warm.”

Do you have any relationship deal-breakers?

“Cheating, obviously.”

Are you a romantic?

“I’m a hopeless romantic.””

Paddy Collier, 27

“I used to date Erin from Love Island.

What are you looking for in a woman?

“Someone family-oriented, loyal, trustworthy, cheeky, driven and motivated. “

What’s one trait you couldn’t look past in a relationship?

“One hundred per cent a cheater. One of my biggest attributes is loyalty. I’d be a bit hesitant if she’d cheated before. People do change, but it’s always going to be with them.”

Have you ever dated a celeb?

“I used to see Erin [Barnett, from Love Island]. She’s cool. We went to Aladdin together, heaps of dinner dates. She’s really funny.”

Did you see she split with Eden Dally!

“He’s a flog.”

Thoughts on plastic surgery?

“If it’s something they’ve wanted their whole lives. My ex got a boob job for me. Obviously she wanted it, but it was literally on my birthday.”

Dan Hobley, 32

“I won’t put up with cheating.”

What’s something Australia doesn’t know about you?

“When I was about 19, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. It’s an autoimmune condition and it can affect any part of your body, from inside your esophagus right through to your butt.”

Other than how it makes you feel, how has it impacted your life?

“You’re surrounded by alcohol. I was never into drugs, but you’re surrounded by that party atmosphere. I’d left school and there are girls. They’re the best years of your life, and I can’t say I did have the best years of my life. “

So Crohn’s has gotten in the way of you falling in love?

“I find that I actually get a bit emotional. I get a bit sad when people are approaching me and going, ‘Why don’t you have a partner?’ They don’t know the real story. “

What are some of your relationship deal-breakers?


“Cheating is a given, I wouldn’t put up with that. And smoking.”

Daniel Harris-Wolf, 30

“I searched the Queen’s room.

Tell us about yourself…

“I spent the last five years with the Federal Police in the dog unit. For three years I was a handler and for the other two, I was an instructor.”

Have you ever worked for a famous person?

“I searched The Queen’s room when she was staying at the governor-general’s. I didn’t get to meet her, unfortunately, but I did get a good look through the room with my dog, Floyd. The room was immaculate!”

Did you take a souvenir?

“No, but I did take two souvenirs from [former Prime Minister] Julia Gillard. Floyd had a habit of emptying himself out, so I had to take a couple of souvenirs from her hotel room so it didn’t smell.”


Thoughts on cosmetic enhancements?

“Botox is the most toxic substance known to man. But if it makes them happy, who am I to judge?”

And thoughts on cheating in a relationship?

“I heard the rumours about Ali before going into the mansion and I don’t care.”

Charlie Newling, 31

*”I’m not hiding anything.”

Are you in love with Ali?

“I wouldn’t say fallen, but definitely on the way to falling, sure. Things are quite good with us. Moving in the right direction.”

Were you a fan of Ali’s before signing on?


“I obviously knew she was the Bachelorette coming into this, and she was part of the reason why I came on – to explore things further with her. “

Did you watch her on BIP and Bachie?

“I did end up going back and watching two episodes of The Bachelor to do some investigating, I guess, as you do.”

Thoughts on being labelled a stage-5 clinger?

“I’m definitely not happy with that label. I’m not an intense person. Wait, I’m a semi-intense person but in a completely different way.”

You don’t seem to like Bill. Is it because you’re both alpha males?

“I don’t think Bill’s alpha. He’s an ostrich – he sticks his head in the sand when confrontation comes along. He’ll never have his say. He tries to keep everyone happy.”

It sounds like he’s just a lover, not a fighter!


“He looks like he’s got something to hide.”

Are you hiding anything?

“I think we all do. I can’t think of them off the top of my head, but nothing I’m too ashamed of.”

Rob Colangelo, 29

“I would love a daughter!”

Is Ali your type?

“I don’t have a type. I think someone who has healthy values is important. I’m not looking for 
a saint, but someone who likes to live healthy and eat healthy.”

Are you a saint? Any skeletons in your closet?

“Never stripped, never been in a cult, never arrested, never almost arrested.”


How do you feel about Ali’s past with Grant?

“I don’t care. We’ve all made mistakes. It’s about if you’re able to learn from your past, and how you better yourself. If you continually repeat the past, then yes, that would be a factor. But like I said, it’s all about personal growth. “

How do you feel about plastic surgery?

“I don’t think it’s a necessity. I think beauty doesn’t need to be altered. That’s also something that comes with age and maturity. Someone who truly loves themselves and is confident in who they are doesn’t need all of that. If you’re doing it to fit in, you’re an idiot.”

Do you want kids?

“I definitely want a girl. I like the idea of a cute daddy-daughter brunch.”

Todd King, 26

“I’d do Bachelor in Paradise!”

Is this your first time on TV?


“I was a TV reporter back in the day.”

The camera loves you!

“I applied for a number of different dating shows, but when I found out Ali was our Bachelorette, I was absolutely stoked. I also applied for Love Island and Geordie Shore Australia. And I’m very happy to have not made the cut!”

What kind of boyfriend are you?

“I’m very devoted. I’m of the notion that you need to complement each other’s lives, not live in each other’s pockets.”

Thoughts on cosmetic enhancements?

“I don’t have a problem with it. I would consider getting botox in my later years. I suppose it’s just the regular thing these days. But not yet.”

If you’re unlucky with Ali, would you consider being The Bachelor?


“I think Bachelor in Paradise is a little bit more me – and there are more options!”

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