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Nutrient thieves

Nutrient thieves

Here are some simple ways to make sure the vitamins in your food don’t go to waste. Don’t boil vegetables for too long. The water leeches out vitamins B and C. Instead, lightly boil or steam them. An exception is carrots, which should be boiled very lightly in order to break down the cell walls, […]
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Make great salad dressings

Make great salad dressings

“Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating gives spectacular joy to life.” -Elsa Schiaparelli, fashion designer. It’s not good enough to think: “I’ll just have a salad”, if what you’re putting on top of it is cancelling out any health benefits. By learning which oils are better for you than others, and experimenting with […]
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Laugh off illness

Laugh off illness

Laughter beats bugs Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that laughter may strengthen the immune system. In the study, 26 men and women were exposed to common allergens, which made them sneeze and experience a sore, raspy throat and tearing eyes. They were then shown a funny video. Symptoms […]
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Be at peace

Be at peace

Consider this Buddhist saying: “The perfect disciple is one who is always stumbling – but never falls.” We all fall into traps of selfishness and delusion when we least expect it. The chance remark that wounds someone else, the careless lie, the irresistible urge to cheat are universal. Forgive yourself for being human. Apply to […]
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Eat the right protein

Eat the right protein

Beans may be better than meat when it comes to maintaining strong bones, according to researchers at the University of California in San Francisco. They found that elderly women who consume more animal protein than vegetable protein usually experience more hip fractures and bone loss. Researchers hypothesise that when the body digests animal protein it […]
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Don’t let things fester

Don’t let things fester

Don’t let things fester Sticks and stones can break your bones, but harsh words can hurt even more. Research shows that arguing with your nearest and dearest makes you more vulnerable to a range of viral infections and lowers your immune system. Most pointedly, women showed more damage than men, presumably because they are also […]
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Stress release

Stress release

Just slow down Lewis Carroll put the feeling of spinning chaos that comes from go-go-going too fast in a nutshell when he wrote of “life becoming a spasm and history a whiz”. Sometimes you spend days just rushing from one meeting or task to the next, but no matter how hard you push yourself, you […]
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Awake refreshed

Get plenty of sleep or your happiness rating will suffer. Most people need a good six to eight hours sleep a night to feel in the best of moods. Have a regular bedtime and keep the bedroom for sleep and lovemaking only (so – no reminders of work!). Avoid alcohol and chocolate late at night […]
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Try a tonic

Try a tonic

Chinese herbalists say that the spices ginger and cardamom are ‘restoratives’, which means they enliven your metabolism by creating heat and energy. Try my recipe for this ‘metabolic tonic’ to stimulate the circulation – it’s particularly recommended for that dreaded ‘I’ve-gotta-cold-coming-on’ feeling. Metabolic Tonic: 5 cinnamon sticks, broken in half 2 one-centimetre (1/2 inch) slices […]
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Weekend detox plan

Weekend detox plan

Feeling below par? This gentle program of herbs, exercise, and bathing will cleanse your system and boost your vitality. It makes a lot of sense – especially after any kind of over-indulgence or stress – to give your body a rest. Another bonus: Cleansing diets help boost metabolism, and might help you lose a few […]
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